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Everything posted by JJFS

  1. I used to host my own servers on fps 30 cause it game the clients alot more fps in COD1/COD2 which is good. In COD4 I also used it untill I found out that when you put it on 30 fps you mess up the bomb timer in S&D (it will blow up on 20sec instead of 0sec) with the ClanBase config so I suggest every gamehosting provider to leave it on 20 to prevent this problem.
  2. By the way I see a 48 slot server on game-monitor, thought 32 was the maximum? Anyone looked into this yet?
  3. yup with 32 slots full my server uses 4%cpu and 250Mb ram.
  4. My 32 slot SD server is full already hehe
  5. One question though, do you need to use the +fs_game ModernWarfare in your commandline to be able to have ranks or are they just enabled with the configs earlier in this topic?
  6. Everything except the video folder. (Atleast I did that with my servers)
  7. I've put 2 servers online, the third and fourth servers in my country it seems so I'm very happy
  8. Downloading the server files now, should get my servers online within the hour
  9. Well I never said I had them hehe. Anyway I should get the game wednesday and then I will get some servers online asap but I gues you Americans get the game today or tomorrow already.
  10. Sorry didn't recieve it cause I had an old mail address in my profile which I don't use anymore it's changed now to a working mail address
  11. Yes they can play the mp already. Sure you can contact me, I'll pm you.
  12. You still doubt it? hehe IP: You can see it online in HLSW The people who recieved the game already is cause of this: Every Community Member that went to IW in June for the COD4 PC Community Event -- recieved copies of COD4 today
  13. Well I got the server configs already, maybe someone can make this to a TCAdmin config. First gameservers are online already I readed Server_CFGs.zip
  14. No I don't run a GSP anymore but if I still did I didn't bother, have seen so much crap from them in the past it's unbelieveble.
  15. Nah I wont bother calling them, they are a complete joke. They make awsome games, play them from 2000 but that's about it
  16. lol nice but sad thisis 3 years too late Anyway does this solution means it wont need the videocard check either? And does this automaticly allows DFX and JO to be run in TCAdmin aswell? edit. hmm missed some posts but still curious if people got it to work with DFX already..
  17. JJFS


    I just tell my customers to use wolfrat which is the best/easiest remote program out for DFX. HIS-MOTHER can u plz e-mail me at jan-jaap@xpro-hosting.eu can't get a hold of you but have a few questions.
  18. Got TacticalOps 3.50 installed already but can't seem to fix 3.40 version so if anyone has it already or can help out it would be appreciated
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