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  1. I f inally got the non honor to work using some variants on here, i can connect using the IP. Can someone tell me how to get a non honor to show in the game browser, i see quite a few.
  2. this is the most rediculous crap i have ever had to deal with in a gameserver. This guy over here, his works fine, this one over here, his don't work but the setup is identical. I have spent days, yes days, trying to get something to friggin work, or if i don't get an error, trying to find and connect to a server, its just insane. AA just blows.
  3. man, i have tried every variation of the command line, global and lan, different cfg files, everything i can think of and nuthin. right now i tried the proclans suggestion and i just get a unreal .dmp error file in the logs directory. The only thing i can think of is the files. what are you guys using, how are you applying them?
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