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Everything posted by DamienWebb

  1. Like I stated I am not using a firewall while I at least try to get it working.
  2. I am not behind a firewall and I still get: Response: 530 FTP access is disabled. Here my monitor via ssh: [root@localhost ~]# cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor [root@localhost Monitor]# ./monitor-service stop The TCAdmin Monitor has been stopped [root@localhost Monitor]# ./monitor-console TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel /usr/sbin/setenforce: SELinux is disabled Software Version : Mono Version : 2.10.8 Linux 32 bits Monitor Ports : Secure: 8891 Standard: 8890 uPnP Port Forwarding : Disabled Current User : root Database Engine : MySQL (HTTP Protocol) Database Cache : Enabled Starting the Monitor Web Service... The Monitor Web Service has been started. Starting the Task Scheduler... The Task Scheduler has been started. Starting the Game Monitor Service... The Game Monitor Service has been started. Starting the FTP Service... The FTP Service (v1) has been started on The Remote Monitor has been started on localhost.localdomain Seems like FTP is disabled but when I type ftp in the it says unknown command. I thought that tcadmin had its own built in FTP program for users?
  3. Is there a way to auto setup FTP using an FTP client on Cent OS Linux for clients? No one can get into their FTP using the supplied TCAdmin FTP settings. --------------------------- I tested it after I disabled the firewall and restarted the monitor to make sure the firewall isn't blocking FTP and I keep getting: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".
  4. Actually better way to word this question........ How can I "re-install" tcadmin so I can make a previously "remote" server a "master" server..
  5. How can I re-enable the remote servers monitor to change / edit the ConfiGUtility ?
  6. Checkbox is checked... on the admin side... I feel like a dummy, I just logged into tcadmin reseller and check it.. haha
  7. TCAdmin Version: Monitor Version: Web Version: Operating System: CentOS 6 (64 bit) Machine Specs: Dual Quad Core, 16GB Ram 2x 2TB HDD (Mirrored Raid) Database Type: Direct Connection --WHMCS Error Description: Whenever I sell / create a server via WHMCS create function I get this error: Module Command Error System.Exception: The billing API is disabled. at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) I made sure that the Billing API was enabled in my servers options under the reseller on tcadmin and im still getting the error..
  8. I have used this on windows before, and it works well but does hurt cpu / ram...
  9. We are using TCAdmin V2 - On Linux CentOS 6 I use the command line editor and add -autoupdate to the command line and nothing works.. I was wondering if there was a better way of doing this maybe... running an autoupdate and having it copy the updated files to all servers running the same game type.. For all extensive purposes I am running a server box full of TF2 servers and none will auto update..
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