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  1. so, i followed that link's info 7 times, word for word. same problem ~ tca say's its ok. cant see server on a server list reinstalled CSGO - Windows.xml from that page even try'd editing the basic in gamemode_competitive.cfg from: hostname " Server Name" // Name of server sv_password "ada" // Password to connect to server rcon_password "" // Administration password (rcon) sv_region 5 to: hostname "generic server" // Name of server sv_password "" // Password to connect to server rcon_password "XXXX" // Administration password (rcon) sv_region 0 server.cfg simply says exec gamemode_competitive.cfg Remembering its case sensitive GameModes_Server.txt is GameModes_Server.txt even try'd gamemodes_server.txt and try'd every command line on that page all on a fresh install of csgo from that xml i will show info from any log or file. just tell me what you want to see
  2. As I understand it, with tca, i just make a game server same way as normal, select the game, click create. then create a gamemodes_server.txt file, check the server.cfg is there, then override the commandline with something like: srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 1 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_armsrace +map de_dust2 -ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] and tell tca to start it ?
  3. ya, thats the thing. tca says the server is up and running, but it will not show in a server list and can not connect to it directly
  4. just got tca v2 for 1 reason. a large client of ours wants cs:go tca is working slick, we like it alot, but we cant get cs:go to show up in server list's. We have now spent 2 days reading your forums and others from the net, and we are stuck on how to get the server up and going. is there a thread im missing or not seeing? can some one make a howto guide for cs:go and tca v2? or just tell me (us) what we are doing wrong. any help would be awesome, thanx
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