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Everything posted by Noble

  1. Hello, I have a Windows dedicated server. I have loaded the game to the server with the Ace mod. The game will run fine with the mod if I use a server.bat file; however, I can not get it to run in the panel with the same command line. Below is the command line I use in the bat file. +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip *** *** *** *** +set net_port 28960 +set sv_maxclients 20 +set fs_localAppData +set fs_game mods/ace_5.1 +exec server.cfg +set rcon_password xxxxxx +set sv_punkbuster "0" +map_rotate The game files are installed as follows: very standard This Pc/Local Disk C/TCAFiles/Users/xxxxxx/12 Any help with this would be great
  2. I have tried everything to get games from steam to download but noting works. I will create the steamapps folder but that's it. Any ideas
  3. I have the free trial and was looking at purchasing for a year; I have a VPS and was looking at the community license; however, it's saying I can only run four game servers on that. Am I reading that correctly?
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