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Everything posted by blob

  1. Retry Response: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: GameId at TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.Game.ValidateKeys () [0x00013] in <81b06647f4914f15d0d39dbc9927bc03>:0 at TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.Game..ctor (System.Int32 gameId) [0x0001c] in <81b06647f4914f15d0d39dbc9927bc03>:0 at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.AddPendingSetup () [0x02b1c] in :0 at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x005cc] in :0
  2. i made it to assign to a configurable option and the options are 112|Rust etc but it doesent work
  3. blob


    System.Exception: An error occured while creating the task. at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.ModuleCommands.AddTask (TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.Server destinationServer, TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.TaskInfo task, System.Boolean waitForResponse) [0x000c7] in <f10495b58a9441b5d578ff34c1161129>:0 at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.ModuleCommands.AddTask (TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.Server destinationServer, TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.TaskInfo task) [0x00000] in <f10495b58a9441b5d578ff34c1161129>:0 at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.TaskInfo.CreateTask (TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.Server server) [0x00014] in <f10495b58a9441b5d578ff34c1161129>:0 at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.TaskInfo.CreateTask () [0x00049] in <f10495b58a9441b5d578ff34c1161129>:0 at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.AddPendingSetup () [0x031d5] in <ba2608a89e7c453a030747345bea4ed3>:0 at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x005cc] in <ba2608a89e7c453a030747345bea4ed3>:0
  4. Where would i put that code and is 11 and the 12 the game id examples. I currently edited the actual moduel so i can assign a configurable option to game id.But how would i setup the configurable option game_id 112|rust
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