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Everything posted by matty5350

  1. Any chance this got worked out yet?
  2. o wow thats great! actually might be easier then expected. so to clarify this do i simply just need to change the ids you mentioned ? - will tcadmin move information to the correct place it self for me or once the changes are done i need to move the entire tcadmin database over to the "new master server". - Bearing in mind i have games such as life is feudal that uses sql database. or can i be selective with what is sent over such as tables tc_game_services tc_game_ports tc_users sorry if i am asking annoying questions i just want to get it done right the first time without mistakes and without much down time if needed. which makes me wonder, can this be done without game servers going down? Many thanks,
  3. Thankyou denis, do i need to run the installation.exe again on the remote machine, or litrally just database stuff. regarding database i was considering just sending all of the current master server database over to the new master server, would this totally mess things up?
  4. if i remember correctly, when i installed the files on both machines i had to select which was the master and which was the remote server. i need to remove the master server from the network and allow the service to run on 1 machine for a while. Meaning that the current remote server will be the master server. is it actually a simple process and am i over complicating it in my mind? i dont seem to see any documentation regarding this as i need to keep the files intact and well not destroy them all... would someone mind walking me through it so i can ensure its done right first time without issues, when the even happens
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