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Everything posted by coze

  1. Hello, Please excuse my English. For this morning when I connect in my panel of games, all the servers are off [ unknow ]... I cannot intervene on the panel with identifiers admin, that put me denied access. I am up to date of my invoices. Beforehand thank you This joins(contacts) image of my panel of this morning. Cdlt Coze
  2. Sincerely Yours. I am new on tcadmin v2. When I am in game and other voice hosting ( system ), there is a whole list of game(set,play) which I would like to add to my games(sets). Because for example, in game and other voice hosting, I clicked downloads to install(settle) the xlm of csgo, it turns out from now on in the list of the waiters(servers), but not in my list that I can install(settle) thus how to transferer the games(sets) of this list in mine:) thank you Sry for, i use google traduct.. coze
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