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  1. Thanks for clearing that up, studeggle. I'm not familiar with many of these panels, but I noticed that it wasn't listed as a support game. There weren't any of these problems when it was simply a Q2 mod, but since it has branched off I've had a lot of people tell me that finding a server provider was much harder. But like you said, lots of fly by night mini providers are popping up and expecting servers to just appear at the click of a button. Thanks again!
  2. Oops, I think I posted this in the wrong sub-forum. I'm looking for this game to be supported by TCAdmin because many people are reporting that game server providers do not support this game because it is not found within their panels. I did some browsing around the site to see what it takes to get a game supported by TCAdmin, but I didn't find much information. If you can let me know what specifically needs to be done to have this game officially supported that would be great. Thanks again
  3. I was wonderinf if it would be possible to have the following game supported by TCAdmin. Name: Digital Paint: Paintball 2 Website: http://digitalpaint.planetquake.gamespy.com/ Dedicated Server Downloads: -Windows: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/paintball2/paintball2_build016_full.exe?download -Linux: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/paintball2/paintball2_build016_linux_full.tar.gz?download -Linux Server Update: http://dplogin.com/files/servers/gamei386.so.gz Server Configuration Guide: http://digitalpaint.planetquake.gamespy.com/testwiki1/pb2wiki.php?word=Server+Admin+Area Additional Information: This game is built from the Q2 engine, so most Q2's settings are applicable. Let me know if any additional information is required. Thanks, XtremeBain
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