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  1. If a customer of mine did that, I'd cancel his Server instantly.
  2. I can't imagine anyone here is going to help you run a cracked server. No reputable GSP will run a cracked server, not only is it ilegal, you're going to compromise your server's security by installed code that could contain any manner of malware. The advice anyone will give you here, is to run a full legal copy of the game and encourage your customers to do the same.
  3. From what I read on various forums etc, the game doesn't have a dedicated server feature. I didn't buy the game myself for that reason. I would imagine there's not a lot you can do to effectively host the game unfortunately.
  4. No, the dedicated server files are all you need: http://www.fileshack.com/file.x/11476/Unreal+Tournament+3+Dedicated+Server+-+Windows
  5. Well the game was released only today in the UK, and I have my copy. Gonna take me forever and a day to upload a copy to my server farm though! Does anyone have a high speed link I can download the files from directly? Would be much appreciated! Does anyone know exactly which files are required to host the server? Obviously the .iwd files, but do we also need the massive files in the zone and video folders?
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