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mysql sql import script


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Does anyone have an example script or instructions on how i can make it so when a user creates a game account/ adds a gameserver to their account, that if the game requires mysql db, that it will auto import the sql file into the created database. I already have these scripts in the game server template.




thanks for your help

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  • 2 weeks later...

So i managed to get this to work by simply taking the http://help.tcadmin.com/Automatically_Create_a_MySQL_Database script of restoring a backup.


Operating System: Any
Description: Restore MySQL database after move
Script Engine: IronPython
Event: After move
Ignore execution errors Unchecked
import clr;
import System;

from TCAdmin.DatabaseProviders.MySql import MySqlManager;
from System import String;
from System.IO import File, Path;


if not ThisService.Variables.HasValue("MySQLUser") :

backupfile=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, "databasename.sql");

with MySqlManager() as mysql:
mysql.Connect(String.Format("Data Source={0};User Id={1};Password={2};Pooling=False;", mysql_server, mysql_root, mysql_password));

mysql.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {0};", escapeduser));
if mysql.Execute(String.Format("SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE user='{0}' AND host='localhost';", escapeduser)).Rows.Count == 1 :
 mysql.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("DROP USER {0}@localhost;", escapeduser));

mysql.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("CREATE DATABASE {0};", escapeduser));
mysql.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {0}.* TO '{0}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{1}';", escapeduser, escapedpass));

if File.Exists(backupfile) :
with MySqlManager() as mysql2:
 mysql2.Connect(String.Format("Data Source={0};Database={1};User Id={1};Password={2};Pooling=False;", mysql_server, ThisService.Variables["MySQLUser"], ThisService.Variables["MySQLPassword"]));


and made sure that the sql file was in the root directory of the game folder.

I have this script execute once the mod for the server is installed.


works like a charm

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yes that was me lol, im still figuring things out. mainly how the configuration editor works. I still have not figured out how a user is only able to edit certain fields of a cfg file. Or if thats even possible.


Also trying to figure out how I can make it so mysql user/pass can be retrieved as a link in the user control panel. I have seen this done with gtx gaming. Just not sure how to do that.

Edited by tinboye
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  • 2 weeks later...
yes that was me lol, im still figuring things out. mainly how the configuration editor works. I still have not figured out how a user is only able to edit certain fields of a cfg file. Or if thats even possible.


Also trying to figure out how I can make it so mysql user/pass can be retrieved as a link in the user control panel. I have seen this done with gtx gaming. Just not sure how to do that.


Displaying the user/pass is easy.


As an example, I have a script that installs mysql and creates the user with a random password. That password is saved to a variable. You can then make a custom button that echos out the password.


ThisService.Variables["ExampleUser"] = Random.RandomString(10,True,True)


Feel free to add me on Skype. I'm not always around but I enjoy teaching people about TCA. Skype is barrycarey66

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