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Stopping Empyrion Server


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I have not been able to get the EmpyrionDedicated.exe process to end when using the 'Stop' button/icon in the Control Panel.


My option is to create a custom script and use the Taskkill command. However I want to be able to issue the Taskkill using the PID (incase I have more that one instance of Empyrion running on my server) rather than the "/IM EmpyrionDedicated.exe" command.



How to I get the PID for the EmpyrionDedicated.exe?


Thanks in advance for any and all help

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You're going about it the wrong way. Instead, get TCADMIN to launch the .exe directly, without using the .cmd file.


Remember, a .bat or .cmd file does the same as your commandline does.


Maybe something like - start EmpyrionDedicated.exe -batchmode -nographics -logFile Logs\DedicatedServer.log -dedicated Custom.yaml


Good luck!



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