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[HELP] Issues installing servers


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I recently installed an Ark server with the same problem as I have right now, no clue how I fixed it however it looks like it was only a temporary solution as the problem is back again...


Here is the log, I've verified both SteamCMD's from the Montior/Tools folder as well as the user/steamcmd folder, both logins perfectly without a problem. Double checked my SteamGuard since I have it activated.


When it installs the server it's like saying it's downloading it for a couple of seconds and then it tries to start it up again.

GMod 8 slots owned by Admin
GMod 8 slots (GRA-1)
10/17/2017 6:35:05 PM	Creating a GMod server for Admin on server GRA-1
10/17/2017 6:35:05 PM	Searching for an ip that has the required ports
10/17/2017 6:35:05 PM	Selected ip and port 27015
10/17/2017 6:35:06 PM	Set processing to true in service settings.
10/17/2017 6:35:06 PM	Building the command line
10/17/2017 6:35:06 PM	Executing event scripts for BeforeCreate
10/17/2017 6:35:06 PM	Searching for a file source
10/17/2017 6:35:06 PM	Copying directory garrysmod
10/17/2017 6:35:06 PM	Moving temporary directory to C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\2\
10/17/2017 6:35:06 PM	Writing the configuration files
10/17/2017 6:35:06 PM	Writing the config file C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\2\garrysmod\cfg\server.cfg
10/17/2017 6:35:07 PM	Wrote the config file C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\2\garrysmod\cfg\server.cfg
10/17/2017 6:35:07 PM	Executing event scripts for BeforeSteamUpdate
10/17/2017 6:35:07 PM	Downloading files from Steam...
10/17/2017 6:35:13 PM	Please wait while steamcmd is downloading the game's files...
10/17/2017 6:35:21 PM	Steam download has completed.
10/17/2017 6:35:21 PM	Executing event scripts for AfterSteamUpdate
10/17/2017 6:35:21 PM	Executing event scripts for AfterCreate
10/17/2017 6:35:21 PM	Configuring the game service
10/17/2017 6:35:21 PM	An error occurred. Time to clean up. (CreateGameServer)
10/17/2017 6:35:21 PM	Deleting the service with id 2 from the database
10/17/2017 6:35:21 PM	The file C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\2\srcds.exe does not exist
10/17/2017 6:35:21 PM	System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The file C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\2\srcds.exe does not exist File name: 'C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\2\srcds.exe' at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.***1347;() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.Start() at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.StepBase.Start(Object arguments)

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The file srcds.exe doens't exist in the game directory. Have you downloaded all the files?


No that's what I'm trying to do, whenever I try and create service AKA a game server it begins the download for a couple of seconds and then it jumps over and tries to start it up. Like if the download was complete.


Nothing installed, no files, nothing what so ever on the hard drive. I had this problem before as well, all though I've only installed one server via TCAdmin so far during the Demo.


  1. Tries to create the server
  2. Begins the download
  3. 5 seconds later finished according to the download & tries to start it.

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Try downloading the files first.


My question is, how do I do that since that's what I'm doing as far as I know... As far as I know it should be done through TCAdmin itself when u install the service...


It's not meant for me to download them on my PC myself, install the service which then fails because it can't figure out how to download the files in which there is no point for me to begin with downloading the files manually as it doesn't matter for me to upload them or not.


Here I made a quick video to show u what the problem is:


Also to update you, it seems to only be the Garry's Mod install, just tested out an ArmA 3 install and that worked just fine.

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You can do that through TCAdmin -> Settings -> Game Tools. Select the server from which the game files should be placed on.


Thanks didn't even know about that, sadly that didn't help either. Did the exact same thing, 5 seconds later "Finished" it's like it doesn't even try

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Have you checked that the srcds.exe file is present in the game dir?


There is no game folder bro, I've told u so many times. It doesn't download. Anyhow I figured it out. For somehow the game config is incorrect and linked to an appid 4020 which returns to nothing. After changing the game config manually to 4000 it looks like it's actually downloading it now.


My smart ass didn't even consider to look at the SteamCMD logs before jumping on here. Seriously though, thanks alot for all your help!


EDIT: actually that didn't work either, it claims I had a none subscription to the game which I do, however, after looking a bit more it turns out u MUST login via anonymous to install the dedicated server for some reason. So I forced that upon the game config itself.

Edited by 123B3n
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