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Script error - Invoke-WebRequest (ARK: Auto Mod Updater)


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I wrote a Powershell script to Auto Update my Ark servers with warning messages. Its written to work with TCAdmin. When scheduled as a re-occurring task it will automatically check for any game version changes, check for MOD updates (added this Function more recently), and if it finds any restarts the server with a 15 minute In game countdown. It checks for MOD updates without downloading any files.


It gets installed to the service root directory along with some other support files (Rcon). TCAdmin executes a batch script which runs the Powershell script. This worked with no issues up until I added an "Invoke-WebRequest" cmdlet to the powershell script (for checking mod updates). I modified my original PS script to ALSO check a mods web-page for the latest update time using "Invoke-WebRequest". This all works if I run the PS script manually right from the servers terminal, or if I run a .Bat file to execute the PS script. BUT if I Execute the batch through the panel I always get this error:


Invoke-WebRequest : The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet

Explorer engine is not available, or Internet Explorer's first-launch

configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try



Just to reiterate. It all works fine IF I dont run this script from TCAdmin. I have verified that explorer is installed, and set up on the node (I have been using it with no issues). Basic parsing would make scraping the data I need MUCH tougher, if even possible.


Im sure I am just missing something on the TCAdmin side.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by Sipowicz
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Update 5/24/18:


I was able to solve this issue by forcing the "TCAdmin Monitor" to run as a "Root" user. The "Service Manager" needs to stay logged in as a "Local User".

Edited by Sipowicz
Updating with solution
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