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More granular permissions

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The current state of permissions makes it hard to grant a heirarchy of privelages, for both sub-users, and sub-admin users.

Currently, sub-users are better than sub-admin permissions, as you can grant permissions to specific features. Almost the whole gamepanel permissions for sub-admins come under "View game services", it needs to be broken down a lot more than that.

For both sub-users and sub-admins, I'd like permissions such as:

  • Upload files
  • Delete files
  • Download files
  • Edit files
  • The FTP counterparts of above
  • Module permissions for sub-admins (i.e. File Manager, Mod Manager, Map Manager, Steam Update etc)
  • Run script permissions (possibly per script, like in the sub-user permissions)
  • Possibly specific permissions per folder, per game (i.e. extend file-system permissions to include specific roles)
  • Action permissions (i.e. suspend, reinstall, repair, delete, detach permissions)
  • Maybe even a total overhaul of the system, seperating from the User/Sub-Admin/Reseller/Admin permission to broken down permissions, like "View all services, View all (GAME) services, Create Services" etc
  • etc etc, breaking everything down into individual permissions that can be granted to groups

Currently, we are using demo-mode on some sub-admin roles in order to allow read-only access, but this isn't ideal. We'd like to allow file manager operations while denying deleting of services etc.

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