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Config Request - Interstellar Rift


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Was wondering if anyone has made a config for Interstellar Rift?

The default server files use powershell to execute the server binary, can TCAdmin do this? If so, I'll attempt to make one, and upload the config when done, unless someone already did

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$startCount = 0

$crashCount = 0

$arguments = "-server"

while ($true)



 Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format o): Starting server with arguments ($($arguments))... Start count: $($startCount)"

 $process = Start-Process $(Resolve-Path "IR.exe") $arguments -PassThru

 $crashFilePath = "$($env:APPDATA)\InterstellarRift\$($process.Id).crashed"

 while (!$process.HasExited)


  if ($(Get-Item $crashFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null)



   $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("$(Get-Date -Format o): Server crashed... Restarting server. Crash count: $($crashCount)")

   Stop-Process -InputObject $process

   Remove-Item $crashFilePath



  Start-Sleep 1


 foreach ($childProcess in $(Get-WmiObject win32_process | where { $_.ParentProcessId -eq $process.Id }))


  Stop-Process -Id $childProcess.ProcessId




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You don't need to start it with the PowerShell script. You can simply start it using the executable file "IR.exe".

All the script seems to do is restart if the process crash - and that's already something TCAdmin does 🙂

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welp, to my knowledge, i have yet to find a commandline argument that can specify a savepath of any kind, and i googled all night last night... i see that other hosting providers have the game available under a panel of some sort, must be a way... somehow... my search continues then.

thank you for the insight though!

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from a developer: It's currently not possible to change to another folder, however it is possible to have multiple servers running on the same machine. use the
-serverAddition 2
 argument, and it'll look for or create a file named
 instead of
. Same with

you can use different numbers in the argument to run -if i recall correctly- up to 9 different servers on the same machine

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10 hours ago, DevilzEye1 said:

welp, to my knowledge, i have yet to find a commandline argument that can specify a savepath of any kind, and i googled all night last night... i see that other hosting providers have the game available under a panel of some sort, must be a way... somehow... my search continues then.

thank you for the insight though!

There's nothing wrong with using the %appdata% folder in TCAdmin. The game server will work as usual.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For any who look for this server in the future, here is my working config


Import as new or existing, remember to select your interstellar rift game if updating

Go to "Steam Settings" and input your steam username and password (follow TCA help guide for activating account with steam guard if neccessary)

This is a Windows Config and tested/working on Windows Server 2019

IsR - Windows.xml

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  • 6 months later...
15:21:25,076 [Game.Universe.Galaxy] {Saving} (John Doe) ERROR: System saves timed out, save not complete! Failed systems
: Sentinel Prime
15:21:25,076 [Game.Universe.Galaxy] {Saving} (John Doe) ERROR: Sentinel Prime has no ghost client
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