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Minecraft 1.17 config


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I used the Update server function in TCA and clicked on latest stable and the server refused to come back up after downloading the .jar. I instead replaced the minecraft_server.jar with one that i generated with my client. Still the same. Server refused to start or it will say running with PID 0 and give me query failed alerts.

Generated a new minecraft_server.jar on version 1.16.5 from my client and FTP in and replaced the file and it works normally. This is with a default install of TCAdmin so its the CFG that came with it.

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The problem is because the new version of minecraft 1.17 requires at least version 16 of JAVA. 

But I have the problem that when upgrading to JAVA version 16, servers with older versions no longer work. I mean custom versions, like Forge, spigot, etc. Vanilla versions work correctly with JAVA 16

Does anyone have a solution they want to share?

Edited by Vicente
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I'm going to expand the Minecraft config to bundle different versions of java with the game server and let the user decide what version to run.

The user will need to switch java versions manually, but I might be able to do some magic and have TCAdmin decide that java version depending on the version of Minecraft the server is running.

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16 minutes ago, Dennis said:

I'm going to expand the Minecraft config to bundle different versions of java with the game server and let the user decide what version to run.

The user will need to switch java versions manually, but I might be able to do some magic and have TCAdmin decide that java version depending on the version of Minecraft the server is running.

Great Idea Dennis

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Simply in the launch parameters add the version of JAVA you want to use, example: 

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_291\bin\java.exe" -Xmx5120M -Xms128M -jar forge-1.16.5-36.0.52.jar nogui
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.1\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms128M -jar server_1.17.jar nogui


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  • 2 months later...

Hello Dennis, 

I'm getting this error when trying to import the Minecraft 1.17 config. I noticed in the previous configs 'rcon_commands' is not included in the config. Does this have to do with a panel setting? Thanks for the nice config. I'm using the older ones but noticed it was updated yesterday. 

Unknown column 'rcon_commands' in 'field list'

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