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Battlefield 3 Reality


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22 hours ago, Jus61 said:

does anyone have a config for BATTLEFIELD 3 REALITY MOD ?


Might be a bit hard. Setting up a config to run no problem (basic bf3 with VU), it seems to be issue that you have to apply for a licence to run "realitymod". Not sure if licence allows you to run multiple instances or what (investigating). More can be read at their forums/discord

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admin.password "xxxxxx"
vars.friendlyFire true
vars.3dSpotting false
vars.3pCam false
vars.autoBalance true
vars.bulletDamage 100
vars.ctfRoundTimeModifier 100
vars.gameModeCounter 100
vars.gamePassword ""
vars.gunMasterWeaponsPreset 0
vars.hud false
vars.idleBanRounds 0
vars.idleTimeout 300
vars.killCam true
vars.killRotation true
vars.maxPlayers 80
vars.minimap false
vars.miniMapSpotting false
vars.nameTag false
vars.onlySquadLeaderSpawn true
vars.playerManDownTime 100
vars.playerRespawnTime 100
vars.regenerateHealth false
vars.roundLockdownCountdown 15
vars.roundRestartPlayerCount -1
vars.roundStartPlayerCount -1
vars.roundWarmupTimeout 600
vars.serverDescription ""
vars.serverMessage "Unser Discord : https://discord.gg/yvjzcXFc23"
vars.serverName "[N4P] Willkommen im Dreck | Hardcore [GER]"
vars.soldierHealth 120
vars.teamKillCountForKick 5
vars.teamKillKickForBan 0
vars.teamKillValueDecreasePerSecond 0.05
vars.teamKillValueForKick 4.1
vars.teamKillValueIncrease 1
vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed true
vars.vehicleSpawnDelay 150
vu.ColorCorrectionEnabled true
vu.DesertingAllowed true
vu.DestructionEnabled true
vu.HighPerformanceReplication true
vu.ServerBanner "https://bilderupload.org/image/0e6534483-banner-1378x162.jpg"
vu.SquadSize 6
vu.SunFlareEnabled true
vu.SuppressionMultiplier 80
vu.TimeScale 6.0
vu.VehicleDisablingEnabled true
mapvote.randomize true 
mapvote.limit 15
mapvote.excludecurrentmap true

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will send you config soon

Right, basic config to get VU server BF3 running.

1st step: Copy your BF3 client files to your TCAFiles\Games folder. (all 30+GB). Once done download and extract Server.zip file to this folder - it creates server folder with key files in it (I will update this later to do automatically)

2nd step: Download and extract VU.zip file from VU site and place to games folder (where bf3 is).  Log onto VU site (register) then go and get server key file. (At this stage you can run 2 servers. If you want more you have to apply to them.) Once you have serverkey file place that into the Server\Admin folder. (delete other that reads server.key.goes_hereserverkey)



3rd step: Import BF3vu config.

4th step: Create a server. Then run. Should work. If any errors pop up let me know.


This is for standard bf3 vu (not with reality mod) If you want realitymod you have to apply through their discord channel (search bf3 reality mod). If you apply and successful then the mod gets sent to you. Place this in Server\Mods folder and follow other instructions they give (might be some commandline parameters that need adding)





BF3vu - Windows.xml

Edited by jungleNZ
Small edits to config
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