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DayZ Mods not loading


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When i add all of the mods onto my dayz server and re-organize the load order in the command line section it fails to load any of the mods and crashes since one of my mods uses a server side.

This is the command line im using,
"-ip=Blank for security reasons -port=2402 -mod=@JPJ_TraderPlus_PackingOverride;@TraderPlus;@gebsfish;@GameLabs;@FoXyRadio;@FoXyCassettes;@FoXyRadio;@Fish's_Knife_Mod_-_Complete_Collection;@EPIC_WEAPON_PACK_byBARSIK33;@DrugsPLUS;@DieselGear;@Drippy_Sneakers;@DNA_Keycards;@DeliveryDrone;@dbo_surfaces;@dbo_grip;@dbo_surfaces;@Code_Lock;@Crissy'sPlayfulTrinkets;@DayZ_Editor_Loader;@CJ187-PokemonCards;@CBD_Halo_Armours;@Care_Packages_V2_AdvancedGroups_Markers;@BuilderItems;@Care_Packages_V2;@CarCover;@CannabisPlus;@BoomLay's_Things;@BBPWallpaperBeerGarden;@Blackouts_Custom_Cannabis;@CannabisPlus;@BBP_Well_Fix;@BBPItemPack;@BaseBuildingPlus;@BetterVendingMachines;@BBPItemPack;@Alteria_Official_Experimental_-_Dev_Build;@BaseBuildingPlus;@BallerZ_SNAFU_Weapons_Upgrades_and_Retexture;@SNAFU_Weapons;@BallerZ_Halo_Retextures;@CBD_Halo_Armours;@BallerZ_Gear;@ArrakisTraderSigns;@ArrakisBigFWalls;@AntiContainerStacking; -config=serverdz.cfg -bepath=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\Battleye -profiles=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\instance -autoinit -noFilePatching"

Anyone have any clue?

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It looks to me that you're missing some of the commandline. This is one of mine as an example.
I don't see your -serverMod= in yours.

You are also missing the "" at the start and end of most of the parameters. 

-ip=blank -port=2562 "-config=serverdz.cfg" "-bepath=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\267\Battleye" "-profiles=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\267\instance" "-autoinit" " -serverMod=@DayZ-Dynamic-AI-Addon" "-mod=@DayZ-Expansion-Weapons;@DayZ-Expansion-AI;@DayZ-Expansion-Core;@VPPAdminTools;@Search For Loot Improved;@DayZ-Expansion-Animations;@MWGSM-MartialLaw-Island;@MMG - Mightys Military Gear;@LuxRedux;@Dabs Framework;@CF" -noFilePatching -adminLog


Edited by LamboS2N
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