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What billing system are you using?


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Hi Guys,


I am currently considering moving away from ModernBill (even though we own a 2500+ license) because im tired of the lack of support for some of the modules. One of these is ProTX since the recent changes to Maestro cards on the 1st August, there goes any customer who wants to use a Maestro card.


I'm looking at WHMCS and I am really liking the idea of moving across but want to hear what billing system they are using as well as what they think of there current system.. My modernbill is a mess as its really not designed for a non web hosting solution. With concern to MB v5, its a shame that TCAdmin doesn't really want to provide support for there module but I'm also considering if I really want to be apart of ModernGigabyte anymore also.



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Chris I have seen your posts over there and feel for you.


I presently use MBv4 and am slowly working on v5. I use Authorizenet and Paypal so those SHOULD be OK for v5. Right now I have my hosting things and dedicated servers set up and could go live with it. I have not attempted to do anything with the game servers as about the time I do, TCA will release their v5 module and I will end up having to redo it all, at least that is generally my luck :)


I use Helm for windows hosting and PLESK and cPanel for linux. Clientexec does not support Helm so that will not work for me. WHMCS could be a possibility since they just added Helm. I have looked around a little and considered switching, but am afraid to. But MBv4 is working fine for my present needs, so there is no real rush for me to switch immediately.

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Ooo loads good comments about ClientExec. Have you always been with ClientExec? Had any problems or found any annoying bugs which are ignored to be fixed? Found any limitations trying to use a billing system such as this for selling game servers/voice servers/dedis?


I just had a quick look through the ClientExec demo but it didn't exactly make me to part with my cash. Just seems very "simple" and "basic". I know thats not the idea answer for a billing system but i've had enough of basic and I'm not afraid to admit it but flashy lights + pretty images do make me happy. :p


Thanks for the comments so far.


Oh to quote you Doug, don't feel sorry for me yet. According to ProTX and ModernGigabyte, if this Maestro UK crap is successful (praying its not) they are intending to release it all over every card scheme :(


Thanks again,



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I have not set up CE to auto create servers or anything, I just use it for dedicated boxes. As far as I know it works well though. It is a very simple but feature - rich system. You can access almost everything you need on a normal basis with a few clicks. It looks nice and clean, and is very simple for clients to use and understand. The support system is also top notch! I give it 10 out of 10. :)


The only problem I had was my capatcha didn't work. So I just disabled it.

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We tried Client Exec awhile back and I believe still have a purchased license for it but I wasn't impressed with it. Very basic as someone else mentioned. Been using MB for the past 3-4 years without any problems. Still on V4 and don't see a reason to upgrade just yet, Maybe once all the bugs get worked out..


I'd say MB is much more powerful then CE could ever be, My opinion is if you need a quick billing system in place go with CE but if you want room to grow I'd recommend MB. Even just for the fact that everything gets built for MB first is worth the extra hours configuring it. But once it's setup properly you have alot more flexibility in my opinion.

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I agree, however, with the latest release of CE 3.0 , there has been a lot more activity within CE and in the relm of modules being created and extending the functionality...Finally.


MB has a lot of nice features though as Rich pointed out, and they are hard to overlook sometimes....We use Clientexec atm, but will be migrating off it in the future unless some of our requests get added into CE theres just somethings we can't do that we would love to be able to offer. Digging from another thread, you have to keep up with the times and what the customer wants, and sometimes current software just doesn't make that easy todo :)


WHMCS Was alright, pretty simple to use, but I didn't care for the support personally.

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One of the things that put me off of CE is it appears it's run by one person, I don't know if this changed now or not as I haven't been around it in awhile but MB is a corporate entity which shows they are commited. Not to mention members get perks like discounted Authorize.net gateway etc. which makes it even more appealing for new hosters.

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We started out with MB a few years ago and moved to CE. I can say with CE i havent been happier. With the latest release of 3.0 modules are very easy to create (with slight coding knowledge) support is superior (my average ticket response of 2 hours or so.


We have CE working for autocreate with the TCA module and it works very nice.


We have also developed a few modules for CE to suit our needs.


So in closing (lol) CE over MB anyday.

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Hi Guys,


I think Rich sees what I mean. While I do agree ModernBill is superb and has so much room to expand, the support for the recent ProTX gateway (Only UK card gateway) is starting to be a joke. Its on a very basic line of processing no cards at the minute rather than a few. If it totally fails then we will find ourselves with no system to process credit cards/debit cards in the UK. (going to a US processor is not an option, and tbh why should I?). My thinking is, do I get out while I still can? With WHMCS for example it has all those little things I always wanted in Modernbill such as having two modules on one order form (such as cPanel and TCAdmin), an option to slightly automate cancellations.. I'm thinking that alone is going to save the company a huge amount of man hours.


If you say its only a one man show, then im not really interested. Ive seen /had poor support from ModernGB at times and I don't really want to go back down that route. All of comments was the ClientExec system has a great support suite.... well thats nice but im after a billing control panel and not a support suite, we have Kayako for that. As all our licenses are owned, im not going to be throwing that one way for sure.


Thanks again for the feedback. I just wished someone was using WHMCS so I could get there current feedback.



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I am using WHMCS and find it to be great. MB took a week to respond to me when I first signed up, I was asking for my license key....:confused: I just figured there were a big busy company. Anyway I tested it for about a month then canceled it.


I recieve replies back from more then one person over at WHMCS so not quite sure why people say its a one man show. All though I will agree it usally is just Matt who answers my question in the ticket system. Which is fine by me cuase they get answered right away.


I also used there trial license about four or five times before they decided to not let me anymore which was a good 2 1/2 months of testing time. That should be plenty of time to know if it is what you are looking for. That will probably stop soon though cuase its getting more and more popular.


I think you will want to keep using Kayako with WHMCS. The support system that is built in is nice and works great for most peoples need but its not the full standalone/live chat system like Kayako is, so stick with that if you've got it.


As far a CE goes. Well I probably will be offering it to my resellers on my other web hosting company site as a value added feature. If I change my site around enough, might just offer WHMCS though. I believe in offering products that I use myself but in this case its hard to do that since clients might think less of you if they know they can have what you have.


Anyway, I got off the subject a bit there, so hope that helps you...



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