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redirect problem


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i am trying to config a redirect space to link gameservers on it for fast download.

i have installed a testgame of wolfenstein version 2.55 with 1 custom map and redirect.


The ip is


the redirect space is : http://redirect.vitinetwork.eu/wolfet-255/

(there is an etmain map with the custommap venice.pk3 in it)


i have added the code into my gameserver config :



set sv_maxRate "25000" // 10000 standard but poor for ET

set sv_dl_maxRate "42000" // increase/decerease if you have plenty/little spare bandwidth

set sv_allowDownload "1" // global toggle for both legacy download and web download

set sv_wwwDownload "1" // toggle to enable web download

set sv_wwwBaseURL "http://redirect.vitinetwork.eu/wolfet-255" // base URL for redirection

set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // tell clients to perform their downloads while disconnected from the server

set sv_wwwFallbackURL "" // URL to send to if an http/ftp fails or is refused client side


the downlaod is ok and the url is entered.

If i connect to the gameserver, it starts like this :


and continues with :



so it tries to connect but wont download and starts download from the gameserver

if you surf to http://redirect.vitinetwork.eu/wolfet-255/etmain, you will see the map venice.pk3 is available, but it still wont download. anyone any idea?


Kind Regards

SilverStarke - ViTi Network

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sorry it must look stupid, but i finally found it after all that searchwork

i had to enter MIME into my redirect domain that .pk3 means application/x-zip-compressed, so my server knows that .pk3 is downloadable.


and i had to delete the restricted acces, i mean, i had added my gameserver ip's into the IIS settings so only my gameserverip's could connect, now everybody can connect, thats not so good cause everyone could use my redirect space now, anyone had any idea how to protect it?

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