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Todd Holley

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Problem I'm having is this John. I'm looking to upgrade to Full Rack @ 800.00 w/ 40 amps of power and no bandwidth commitment at 50.00 per meg. Having an issue finding that elsewhere.


Ive been considering branching out of St. Louis into a Chicago or Dallas location. But I'm waiting a little longer.


Ive seen and heard great things about your service.

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In Chicago you'll be paying about $1800-$2000 / month for a full rack and 40 Amps. And thats on the low end these days. Steadfast is charging $2000 (http://steadfast.net/services/colocation.php).


Of course ColoCrossing offers per U colo, and we'll even sell you/RTO the machines. Shoot me an email and I'll setup something real nice for you. jbiloh@colocrossing.com


We'll make the numbers work for you bro.

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Not to bad, although JaykayGFX has been known to scam a lot of people with duplicate works/stealing from other designers. Also, get off phpbb3 quick! :p


Other then that, not bad.


Not to drag this guy through the mud but.. . I completely agree with this and witnessed it first hand a couple of weeks ago. I right now am STLL waiting on a website to be completed by him.


This guy has to be one of THE MOST unreliable designers out there.. For instance, he told me he would start working on my site around the 1st of Feb. I start firing him off emails around the 3rd asking what the status is, and Im getting no responses. Turns out that he was away on vacation or something, and didnt think that he should email me to let me know even though he has money for the site already.. . So Im stuck here still waiting on my design on the 8th waiting till he "completes work for his other clients" if he even has them..


I have no idea if this guy is actually stealing work from others. But the bottom line is, if you want a design and a headache the whole way through, go ahead and give this guy a shout.


I surely wont, and dont recommend anyone else does.



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Sadly Kingstone steals stuff from jkayGfx...lol Adam did one of our sites before we had jkay do the others...he stole some stuff strait off jkay's site and added it to his old design for his portfolio...


Unique designers just seem to be a dime a dozen now adays.

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Redphive media right? When i click on the link...its a picture :/

Anyway, didnt realize you offerend FreeBSD thanks for the info, except I want DragonflyBSD which I would be really impressed if you offered :) *crosses fingers* If i did save enough cash up and started a GSP 90% i would be going with colocrossing because uhh duh, its owned by another well-known GSP, and it has great support.

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Problem I'm having is this John. I'm looking to upgrade to Full Rack @ 800.00 w/ 40 amps of power and no bandwidth commitment at 50.00 per meg. Having an issue finding that elsewhere.


Ive been considering branching out of St. Louis into a Chicago or Dallas location. But I'm waiting a little longer.


Ive seen and heard great things about your service.




We can help you out in chicago with the rack etc.

Bobby at LeetServers.com

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In Chicago you'll be paying about $1800-$2000 / month for a full rack and 40 Amps. And thats on the low end these days. Steadfast is charging $2000 (http://steadfast.net/services/colocation.php).


That's the low end???? What's the high end then?


Chicago's a very reasonable market, the only place that's really going to bite you in the country is New York City with their absurd energy costs and cost of living.. and even then, I wouldn't tell anyone in the industry that you're paying $1800/month. If you see rates like that on someone's website as list, it's fair to assume that it's very negotiable if you go about things professionally.

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Smoke and mirrors.


Anyways, grpaul, one of our engineers, Gary Stanley works on the DragonFly BSD project. So yes, we offer it.




$1599 MRC / NRC @ ServerCentral. We both know SC.net is on the higher end in the Chicago market. $800 may not be attainable, but without bandwith, $1800-$2000 is high for the market.

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$1599 MRC / NRC @ ServerCentral. We both know SC.net is on the higher end in the Chicago market. $800 may not be attainable, but without bandwith, $1800-$2000 is high for the market.




One wonders why Steadfast could possibly be charging $2000 then?


PS: Availability at Server Central is zero at the moment.

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One wonders why Steadfast could possibly be charging $2000 then?


PS: Availability at Server Central is zero at the moment.


Very true on the space at SC.net, but we were talking price, not availability. ;)


Anyway, to the OP, contact sales@steadfast.net. I'm almost sure Karl can work out a deal on some level. As for the full cabinet w/ 40A @ 120VAC, I've seen him do $1050 MRC / $850 NRC on WHT, as well as $1200 MRC / $0 Setup if I recall correctly.


Also, I would recommend you contact GigeNET (gigenet.com) based out of Arlington Heights as well. Their Premium Network is excellent, as is the facility and the people that run it. Again, $800 MRC w/ 40A 120VAC isn't really attainable in this market, but if you afford +/- $200 and a matching NRC, I think you'll be able to find something.


Hopefully this helps.

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