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Battlefield 1942 - Configuration file problem


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i would like to create a Battlefield 1942 server and im not able to create it. The GamePanel does its process of creation but does not create it at the send. I upload the configuration file in Admin Home > System Settings > Supported Games


There is one thing that could be it but im not sure. Its the ID name. All the TCadmin configuration files are TC0000000000000 and the Battlefield 1942 is only BF1942. Could it be the problem?


Here is a copy of my configuration file



Thank you in advance



Ozan Omer



<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Battlefield 1942</NAME>













<DEFAULTCMDLINE>-port %customport1% -start</DEFAULTCMDLINE>





































<NEWEMAILSUBJECT>Creation de votre serveur de jeu %gameshortname% | ArianGaming.com</NEWEMAILSUBJECT>

<NEWEMAILBODY>Bonjour %username%,


Nous avons installe le Battlefield 1942 Server Manager (BFSM) 2.0 Beta 4g. Voici vos informations d'administration:

IP Serveur: %serverip%

Port: %customport1%

Utilisateur: %User%

Mot de passe: %Password%






L'equipe de ArianGaming














<CONTENTS>game.serverName "%hostname%"

game.serverIP %serverip%

game.serverPort %serverport%

game.serverMaxPlayers %slots%

game.serverInternet 1

game.serverBandwidthChokeLimit 0

game.serverMaxAllowedConnectionType CTLanT1

manager.consolePort %primary_rconport%

game.serverCoopCPU 100

game.serverContentCheck 1

manager.bindAllIntefaces 0

game.gameSpyPort 23000

game.gameSpyLANPort 22000

game.ASEPort 14690

game.serverPassword "%privatepassword%"

game.serverNumberOfRounds 3

game.serverGameTime 0

game.serverScoreLimit 0

game.serverTicketRatio 100

game.objectiveAttackerTicketsMod 100

game.serverCoopAISkill 50

game.serverAlliedTeamRatio 1

game.serverAxisTeamRatio 1

game.serverSpawnTime 15

game.serverGameStartDelay 20

manager.gravity 0

physics.gravity -4

admin.timeBeforeRestartMap 10

game.serverSpawnDelay 5

game.serverSoldierFriendlyFire 100

game.serverSoldierFriendlyFireOnSplash 100

game.serverVehicleFriendlyFire 100

game.serverVehicleFriendlyFireOnSplash 100

game.serverKickback 0.00

game.serverKickbackOnSplash 0.00

game.serverTKPunishMode 0

admin.banPlayerOnTKKick 0

admin.nrOfTKToKick 3

admin.spawnDelayPenaltyForTK 0.0

manager.autoKickScore 0

manager.autoKickScoreValue -6

manager.autoBan 0

manager.autoBanValue 3

game.serverPunkBuster 0

manager.banInBFandPB 0

admin.enableKickPlayerVote 1

admin.enableMapVote 1

admin.enableKickTeamPlayerVote 1

game.serverAutoBalanceTeams 0

manager.smartBalance 0

manager.smartBalanceValue 3

admin.votingTime 60

admin.voteMapMajority 0.60

admin.voteKickPlayerMajority 0.60

admin.voteKickTeamPlayerMajority 0.60

game.serverExternalViews 1

game.serverAllowNoseCam 1

game.serverFreeCamera 0

game.serverHitIndication 1

game.serverDeathCameraType 0

game.serverCrossHairCenterpoint 1

game.serverNameTagDistance 100

game.serverNameTagDistanceScope 300

manager.enableRemoteConsole 1

manager.consoleUsername "UserName"

manager.enableRemoteAdmin 0

manager.consolePassword "Password"

manager.monitorTimerPeriod 30

manager.autoKickPing 0

manager.autoKickPingValue 500

manager.autoKickWord 0

manager.autoAnnounce 0

manager.autoAnnouncePeriod 60

game.serverEventLogging 0

game.serverNumReservedSlots 0

game.serverReservedPassword ""

game.serverEventLogCompression 0

manager.statCollection 0

manager.statFilePath "statistics.csv"

manager.highPingWarnings 0

manager.autoKickWordWarnings 3


<DESCRIPTION>Server congifuration file</DESCRIPTION>








<CONTENTS>game.addLevel aberdeen GPM_CQ bf1942

game.addLevel battleaxe GPM_CQ bf1942

game.setCurrentLevel aberdeen GPM_CQ bf1942












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