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Hello everyone,


Im having a bit of an issue here, Im trying to get WHMCS to setup game servers automatcally after the clients pays for the service & also setup not only the game servers but setup the customers choice of voice server (Teamspeak or Ventrilo) For now im just trying to get the Game Servers setup on their own.


Any help would be greatfully appriciated! Id be happy to donate some cash for who ever helps me get game servers to autosetup.


I will tell you the error Im getting below and then all of the settings I have in both TCAdmin & WHMCS. Most people will say that I have not inserted a Datacenter / Game ID but as you can see in the screenshots I clearly have.


The problem:

"Server Command Error

Account Creation Failed: -1 - Game datacenter id does not exist."


STEP ONE: Setup TCAdmin To Allow AutoSetups

TCAdmin Settings 1:

ALL in ONE Image (Due to image limitation of forums)



TCAdmin Settings 2:

ALL in ONE Image (Due to image limitation of forums)





STEP TWO: Setup WHMCS To Communicate with TCAdmin


WHMCS Settings:

ALL in ONE Image (Due to image limitation of forums)



So as you can all see, The datacenter id's are all correct & correspond correctly with both TCADMIN and WHMCS.


When I do a test order, It simply puts the order in pending status. I have to also manually insert a username however the password feild is already filled in with random numbers. When clicking process it comes back with the above message which I will show again below:


The problem:

"Server Command Error

Account Creation Failed: -1 - Game datacenter id does not exist."


Any help would be greatfully appriciated! Id be happy to donate some cash for who ever helps me get game servers to autosetup.


My MSN address is: racknetz@hotmail.com


Thank You!

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The datacentre issue is due (possibly) to the field being in the customer field section. If you have only one datacentre there's no need for this capture field to be on the order form...... it will just confuse things.


Basically, the module settings you have in are correct (presuming the 32 slots bit is normally blank), Just ensure that the datacentre id is in the relevant box on the module settings page for all your products.


Also, if you do only have one datacentre, in the default server box, you can just leave it as default, which is simpler (provided your TCA is set up correctly).


Regarding your username box still being blank you just need to add a field to the product where it can be captured...


Configuration > Products & Services >(your product) > Custom fields


Then simply add a field here with 'Username' in the 'Field Name' box. Text box entry is best suggestion for it. That will sort that issue for you.


Hope that helps :)

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Hey Jonny


I submited a ticket to WHMCS and they are claiming that all settings I've inserted are 100% acurate & state that the issue is a TCA issue and not WHMCS. With what your saying it sounds like its both.


Im so confused now. Im going to submit a TCA ticket now aswell and see what they say about the whole matter, What WHMCS said is:




Very detailed post! The error message coming back from the TCAdmin API is as you say: -1 - Game datacenter id does not exist. - so this would quite clearly indicate where the issue is. Check to ensure there are no spaces on the ends of it and that the ID is in fact correct. If all matches as it should which appears to in your screenshot, you would need to send a ticket to TCAdmin support.






The GameID is 100% correct as to what the above screenshots show, The same goes for the DC ID. Also regarding the username thing I already did what you suggested in advance and still did not make a single difference.


Would it be possible for you to try an Auto Game Setup on your TCA and send me some screenshots if the things you have in there that work so I can simply copy it?


Im also avilable on MSN: racknetz@hotmail.com if you wish to talk me through it. As I also mentioned above I am willing to compensate anyone who can walk me through this as im simply well over my head in this.


Thank You!

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I just removed the Datacenter from the Custom Fields* area of the product & services & saved the settings, I then done the standard test by ordering through the ordering system and then went back through admin. I got an email from the system with the following:


GSAutomation.Processes.CreateGameServer: There are no available servers for auto setup in datacenter RapidSwitch

Server: [Auto]

Owner: Carl


Also before you suggest it, I already checked the signup limits and all that good stuff, I belive this is also shown in the screenshots.


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Ok well, from what I see, The Username and Password was inserted correctly for TCadmin access client area, However in WHMCS "Products & Services" via the "Pending Orders" it still shows in the "Pending" status (not a real biggy) but when you view the product details it still shows an empty Username box with a a random generated numeric password.


Anyway for those interested here are the changes I made:


Admin Home > System Settings > Servers > Server Details

1. Billing API settings - Service Level: 15 changed to 0

2. Advanced Settings - Service Limit: 30 changed to 0


Thanks Jonny for your input tho, I took your comments onboard however the suggestions you made were not acurate other than removing the DC from the Custom Field section in WHMCS (Which didnt realy make any difference), however in theory it could have been the issue.


Very happy now. All I have to do now is wait inline with everyone else until someone figures how to setup ventrilo servers at the same time as the server. (Or is the outstanding issue just for teamspeak 2 voice servers?)


Thanks once again!

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No worries, I suppose every case is different, and what worked for me may not work for anyone else.


Glad to hear you got it sorted though :D


p.s If you do go and solve the auto provisioning of voice servers, you may just become the most popular man on in the WHM community ;)

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