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Late last night when I got the on the computer, I had to privilege to speak with a very intelligent individual who I can guess frequents these forums. I'm guessing he was drunk outta of his mind and just felt like starting some ruckus, but failed miserably. I don't think I was the only gsp who got to speak with him. What he said in our public chan is below.


[01:53] <HORNO-TTY> servers are shit go suck a dick

[01:55] * Phaze-cs|Tito`AFK has left #gdrservers

[01:58] <trev`GDR`brb> lol, how nice of you horno

[01:58] <trev`GDR`brb> very good insight

[01:58] <trev`GDR`brb> now, have you ever tried one? Or just trying to stir us up?

[01:58] <HORNO-TTY> i have tried one

[01:58] <HORNO-TTY> i hate your crap

[01:58] <HORNO-TTY> colo crossing anal fuck

[01:59] <trev`GDR`brb> i see, and what was wrong with it?

[01:59] <trev`GDR`brb> doesn't seem like you're apart of any team

[01:59] <trev`GDR`brb> just going around dif server companies on a friday night, got nothing better to do?

[02:03] <HORNO-TTY> a team doesn't need to reside on gamesurege, thankyou

[02:04] <HORNO-TTY> and i tried out superior servers' test servers and they're quite shit

[02:04] <HORNO-TTY> although your servers are better than theirs

[02:04] <HORNO-TTY> yours are still shit as well

[02:04] <trev`GDR`brb> I see, and what makes them "shit"?

[02:04] <trev`GDR`brb> please explain

[02:05] <deFined^Mikey[CSS]> wow are you serious...

[02:06] <HORNO-TTY> server fps is unstable

[02:06] <trev`GDR`brb> well, id like to see how you could see that when you don't even have rcon

[02:06] <trev`GDR`brb> but our server's fps do stay at least around 450-512 on our 500fps servers

[02:06] <HORNO-TTY> like i said before i tried out their server

[02:06] <HORNO-TTY> with that you get rcon

[02:07] <HORNO-TTY> http://www.globalfrag.net/ -> http://www.nobistech.net/

[02:07] <HORNO-TTY> http://www.globalfrag.com/ -> http://hypedgaming.com

[02:07] <HORNO-TTY> http://igc-panel.com/ -> http://tcadmin.com/

[02:07] <HORNO-TTY> anyone see something similiar between this? yeah.. global frag seems to be copying all of the websites :) they're just that good

[02:07] <trev`GDR`brb> lol, frequent the tcadmin forums I see

[02:07] <trev`GDR`brb> so just randomly bashing all these companies?

[02:07] <trev`GDR`brb> GlobalFrag, Superior and now us

[02:07] <trev`GDR`brb> hmm

[02:08] <deFined^Mikey[CSS]> if its worth anything i love the servers :)

[02:08] <deFined^Mikey[CSS]> but i g2g time for bed

[02:08] <trev`GDR`brb> night mike

[02:09] <HORNO-TTY> global frag and superior are the same company mate

[02:10] <trev`GDR`brb> gotcha, didn't know

[02:10] <trev`GDR`brb> now id like to hear this evidence of our servers being shit

[02:10] <HORNO-TTY> oh i'd love to

[02:10] <HORNO-TTY> where would you like me to show you the paypal receipt?

[02:10] <trev`GDR`brb> sure, id love to see that

[02:15] <trev`GDR`brb> if you'd like to speed up the process in finding this paypal reciept, if you just provide me the name registered on the account I could find it :)

[02:24] * HORNO-TTY has quit IRC (Signed off)



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Angry moms are, without a doubt, the best to deal with. They have no idea what they're paying for and can't understand anything you tell them.


As for that irc convo, 90% of the time I'll just ban them, it's not worth my time to amuse the poor saps who have nothing else to keep them busy. Though, 10% of the time I'll play along :)

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  • 1 year later...
Angry moms are, without a doubt, the best to deal with. They have no idea what they're paying for and can't understand anything you tell them.


As for that irc convo, 90% of the time I'll just ban them, it's not worth my time to amuse the poor saps who have nothing else to keep them busy. Though, 10% of the time I'll play along :)


Dont lie Brian ur 50/50 u love it really :D

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