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N2K3 Issues


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Ok I have some good news and bad news and need alittle help from the N2K3 Guru's even though N2K3 seems not to be a popular game, lol.


1) I had all my N2K3 servers running fine up until a couple days ago connecting through Sierra. Now all of the sudden the servers connect and show in the Sierra Lobby but when I try to test them and connect via the game on my puter I am getting this error message: "Timed out Opening Communications Channel". Any ideas as to where to look


2) I am trying to add some Mods for N2K3 and when I try to add the below info into the player.ini file and save it, it will not save at all:



SelectedCarFile=server.cup.car ; .car file name

SelectedCarFileMulti=server.cup.car ; .car file name

SelectedRoster= ; .lst file name


I even tried to add it to the master .ini file and recreate a new server and it still will not show in a customer server config file. I need to add some other game mods too and I need to know how to save this.


Any ideas on how to save this STUBBORN stuff, lol.


Thanks much in advance.

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Ok just an update.


I have number 1 in the first post fixed.


Now for Number 2, I have edited the template file of the player.ini file and added the snsc70 info as above. Created a new server and it did not copy that whole player.ini file over to the server. I tried manually editing the player.ini file and for some reason it just won't save the information.


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I need to have this server up for tomorrow night.


Thanks much in advance.

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