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Possibly the funniest & stupidist thing a gsp could do, ever!!!!!


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I thought you guys would find this humourous, and possibly give you a heads up too.


Friday evening the company who designed our website received an email, asking for a website building EXACTLY the same as ours, making sure all the links were working, and set up the same.


Needless to say the owner of the company is a very good friend and let us know, as he obviously found it just as amusing as us....


The email had come from another gsp, well I say gsp after viewing their site I wouldn't even classify them as a poorly informed, startup gsp :grin:, but we thought, hey this is quite flattering nonetheless :D


Anywho, a few hours later our enquiry mailbox receives an email from the copyright dept at Lloyds TSB (Yeah right) informing us we are breaching their copyright, and we must provide them with our copywright info, as well as a copy of all our files for the web pages we have for 'inspection' ;)


This is especially amusing, as the email they sent us pretending they are Lloyds, not only contains very poor grammar (suspiciously the same poor grammer contained in the email to our web co), but it also contains message headers which will enable us to track both messages (something they obviously forgot about). In addition, the email contains all Lloyds official footers, imagry etc (obviously copied from an email from Lloyds), which means they were trying to obtain intellectual property, and company information by fraudulent means, i.e pretending to be a major bank.


Under UK law, that means that they were comiting an act of fraud, which is obtaining money, goods or protected information by way of deception.


Needless to say, I'm more than sure Lloyds TSB's legal dept will be more than happy to follow the matter up, as after all, major banks don't take kindly to people pretending to be them, especially when trying to steal stuff, lol


Now, I'm not going to name the UK based gsp in question, though I will thank them for providing us with possibly the best laugh we have had in absolutely ages.


So heads up guys, if you have a nice site, who knows what bank's copyright your breaching :lol:

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