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Automation Issues


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Hi all,


Not sure this is the proper place to put this issue, if not an Admin may move it to the proper area.


Ok it seems that the games/Voice servers I have configured in WHMCS with a minimum slot of 10 and in the Configurable Options I have extra slots setup but they will not automatically setup in TCAdmin once the order has been placed. I am not sure what is going on. I have checked and double checked everything I Can think of in WHMCS.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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There's several reasons for this...


Let's check something:


1- Do your tries show in TCadmin, under 'Pending Auto Setups'?

-> If no, Then you have a configuration problem in WHMCS, it's not sending the appropriate values.

-> If yes:

--> If it shows as 'Error'd, make sure you go through every single of your TCAdmin systems and enable signups (And select which games you want to be installed on which box). Also make sure you have a valid file server enabled on each box (If you are using file servers).

--> If it shows as 'Processing' endlessly, then there might be a more complicated issue on this. Might wanna make sure your systems have enough disk space.


2- Or go check on your master TCadmin box, in (By default) C:\Program Files\TCadmin\Monitor\Logs, look for the BillingAPI log file. Should be a bit more infos in there.

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Ok your first check is the issue. It isn't showing in the Pending Auto Setups section.


I have the appropriate Game ID as well as server ID listed in the WHMCS Setup for the 1 game which is COD4


And with Team Speak I have the same other then the Game ID as that is listed as Voice ID TEAMSPEAK.

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Ok I have found my one problem of it not reaching the pending stages in TC Admin. I had changed my Password for my main account in TC Admin but not in WHMCS.


Now onto another problem with this slot stuff. When I have in the Server Settings section of WHMCS a 0 in the Game Slots it won't even make it into the Pending Stage again as I look into the BillingAPI.Errors.txt file I see this


6/1/2008 9:36:41 PM : You did not send a game or voice server id or the data was not valid.


But if I enter say 10 in that box and submit the order it makes it to the Pending stage but get Error. Nothing shows in the BillingAPI.Error.txt file as to the error. I know it probably has something to do with the Configurable Options section. I have COD4 Server set up as a basic 10 slot plan and then more slots listed in the Configurable Options section. When I do an order I select 20 slots which is the standard 10 slots plus an additional 10 slots from the Options.


Hope this makes sense.


I am having the same problems with Getting Team Speak to auto install.


Thanks much in advance, Much Appreciated.

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In the 'Pending Setups' screen, where it shows 'Error', does it at least show the right slot amount? Right game name?


Again, go back to my first answer, it might fit you now :)


That, or do a test, open your Master monitor's console in your browser and start processing a payment. If there's an error it will show it.


It's hard to say exactly what your problem is though. It might be on the WHMCS side, or TCadmin side. It's really alot of messing around. But trust me, I'm the one who did our company's integration (And we did it the good ol' way with elbow grease, not with a PHP program, straight elbowey coding), although being a pain to integrate, it works :)

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Hi Farchord,


Thanks for the help and ideas.


Ok I am getting further with it alittle at a time.


I am now able to get the COD4 server to show as processing but 2 things, 1) Slot count is wrong. I have the 10 slot minimum and then additional slots as mentioned above, when it goes to process it only shows 10. 2) The Processing takes forever unlike the other games which only takes a few seconds. This morning I did a test sale and it was in the process stage for 10 minutes or show it was showing "Processing", I then clicked the drop down arrow and selected the "Delete option and it removed it from the list. But then a minute or two later after I do that then I get an email telling me my server has been created and it shows in the active servers list. But the slot count only shows as 10 instead of the 15 or 25 that I have tried.


Haven't been able to mess with TS yet as I want to concentrate on one thing at a time and take notes, LOL.


Yeah I am still learning a good part of this the hard way and I won't ask questions until I have reached my limits and am not getting anywhere as I want to learn the hard way as it makes you appreciate it more. I know people who try to do something, give up after 5 minutes and then go for help or have someone else do it. I am in this for the long haul so I need to learn it, ;)


Thanks again farchord, very much appreciated for the help given.

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