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teamspeak install questions


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I created a master server here:

--Admin Home > System Settings > Voice Server Settings


This entry has now been created:

Server ID Display Name Server IP Admin Port Type

TC54... Teamspeak Master Server IP#... 51234 TeamSpeak2


but when i try to import, i get an error message.

--The test has failed: Could not connect to server


Below is what I have setup in the section.

Admin Home > System Settings > Voice Server Settings > Voice Server Details




I have also try to turn off the firewall and adding ports 51234, 14534, 8767

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I turn off the fire wall and still get the same results. I also try to adding the ports to the firewall.


Telnet Admin Port: 51234

Web Admin Port: 14534

Virtual Server Starting Port: 8767


Here is the message im getting.




Would there be any other service that i may need to have active? Is anyone else having this install issue? If not, what steps did you take to make it work?


Any help would be great.

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