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Left 4 dead


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Anyone have a Left 4 dead demo config file yet? Tried using srcds basic stuff and its not working.


I wouldnt recommend offering L4D to your clients. Max server slot is 4, all the server owner can do is change the server name and MOTD. There isnt evan a server browser in L4D. Also it uses ALOT of ram (250mb+) and on my quad core 2.4ghz it only runs at 9fps...

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it is bullocks


I can't even play in my own damn dedicated because Valve decided to make this a console game where it's all automatic joining.


There is a server browser, but its hidden in the console. I don't have the specific command off hand - its like serverbrowsershow or something. But, even then, you can't connect to your own server before the 4 slots are filled.

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#1 it runs at 30 FPS nad 20 Tickrate


#2 Yes there is a server browser. In your server.cfg put


sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

sv_tags "Server Browser Join Enabled"



When you join the game enable console and type openserverbrowser will give you a custom server browser tab right now there is about 700~ servers.


#3 The game only uses about 200MB which really isn't that much... Along with a fairly low cpu usage.

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Attached is the config file i've been using for L4D. This is only the second config i've ever made so it might not be complete in places, but it works fine for me.


L4D is not going to be a "cash cow" like other games, but people desperately want a non-laggy server. It does eat RAM, around 250-270meg and CPU, but remember it has to do AI and Players. Those of us that host Synergy servers will be used to the high CPU and Memory load.


Edit: The initial config I posted had a small error, please go down 2 posts for the correct one.

Edited by KingJ
Incorrect information, small config file error
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Not sure how you got it to 250FPS considering there is no fps_max command.


Apologies, I was wrong. It displayed 250 when I ran it wrongly (i.e with incorrect parameters). Otherwise, it displays a solid 10 FPS when running, however the game does not seem to be affected that much by it. At least, I couldn't notice.


In addition, I made a small error with the configuration file I uploaded previously. The server.cfg was in the wrong place. An updated, correct one is attached to this post.


Edit: I found that if you change the hostname to a custom value, you must add sv_unreserve to your server.cfg or execute it via RCON, otherwise it gets stuck in lobby mode and nobody can join.

Left 4 Dead Demo.txt

Edited by KingJ
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I am able to get the server to run however I am not seeing it in the custom tab. I have the following in the server.cfg


sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

sv_tags "Server Browser Join Enabled"



but still i do not see it. I can join it manually and see it in the favs list but not in the custom tab. Also every now and then I get huge spikes in game, but I dont see any issues on the physical server resources.



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