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How do I use the scripts?


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I am trying to create a new user, I am using vb.net. I added the TCAdminSDK.dll, TCAdminBase.dll, TCAdminLib.dll. Here is the code i'm using.


Dim newuser As New TCAdminSDK.Objects.User
       newuser.UserID = "test"
       newuser.Password = "password"

       newuser.FirstName = "test"
       newuser.LastName = "user"

       newuser.Email1 = "testing@clanplanet.co.uk"

       newuser.Type = TCAdminSDK.Objects.UserType.User



It's also making me run the program from the web folder. And with I run it I get a "unable to connect to server" error. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong here.

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