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Install scipts


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We have developed automation for many things in tcadmin. Right now the current project was to automate AA Honor registration, and just completed successful tests. We can install, and delete honor servers based off the install/delete scripts. Don't know how many honor providers have this ability, but I wouldn't be apposed to sharing this function, as I have always said from the beginning, that I will NOT hide cool new features we develop.


Send me a PM if you want to look at it. thanks

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Victor, you have obviously seen my module ideas in the other forum as you responded. Interested in working together on a few things? I'm looking for people who are as willing to expand TCA as I am. Automation is my goal for everything, and you seem to be in the same mindset as me.


If so, toss me a PM with some contact info :) I'll be happy to share my initial WHMCS stuff with ya to see what you have cooking.

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