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TF2 cpu affinity


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I have found that if running TF2 or any orangebox game that if I do not set the affinity MOST of the time there are issues. However if I set the affinity, the server fps is inconsistent. Has anyone else experienced this? If not would you be willing to share any insight/configs you are using?



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Under a different panel, I always set affinity manually to help load-balance. However, if you let the processes float between cores (i.e no affinity set) i've not noticed any degradation in performance or FPS stability. We've been letting them float since implementing TCAdmin and had no complaints about FPS instability or noticed it.

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The issue I am seeing is that that if I do not set the cpu affinity every few min all cpus will spike to 100% then come back down. If I set the affinity this does not happen. I am using dell servers with duel core opterons (2). I have seen several cvars that seem to deal with multicore support , but from what I read about them, they only deal with listen servers and separating the server cpu usage and game play. I saw that EndlessGaming is using a default config, is anyone else using any custom command lines or configs?



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