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howto setup multi servers cod and cod5 on signup ??


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you would have to add switch_at_once

And it depends if your charging them for game switching

It can be done but you would have to create other packages

And to be honest a pain in the neck.

Wait for the new release of CE and see whats new in it regards TCAdmin as im sure there are some changes :)

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might need to open your eyes abit 'boys' :p


I do know that CE Will be adding the new features as


Added additional custom field support

  1. game_hostname
  2. game_rcon_password
  3. game_private_password
  4. voice_hostname
  5. voice_rcon_password
  6. voice_private_password


To enable game switching if you add 1 next to each game server switch_at_once variable

But then you would need to make whole new packages for your gameswitchings ( depending wether you want to charge or not)

and the client must use the newly created packages with his/her correct game panel info to be added to the account

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  • 7 months later...

I hope they add a custom variable for the server status like


then u can set either public either private

The best would be to be able to increase/decrease the price based on a %.

Exemple u set ur public slots prices and then u define private as -25% of the public price.


Cuz atm we gota create 2 packages per game and the game list gets doubled, and custoemrs sometimes confused.

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