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Gmod help


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It may be because I'm tired, it's late and my brain isn't working or something isn't right.


I install a Garry's mod server, and everything goes perfectly, It says the server is running up until I click More Info and see that it is not responding. This is also the case when I come to test it in Steam.


My config is attached for Gmod, and below you will find a screenshot of the installation location.




I have also attached my default server.cfg below:


"hostname"			"My Server's Name!"
"sv_lan"			"0"
"sbox_allownpcs"		"1"
"sbox_maxprops"			"100"
"sbox_maxragdolls"		"2"
"sbox_maxnpcs"			"0"
"sbox_maxballoons"		"10"
"sbox_maxeffects"		"50"
"sbox_maxdynamite"		"5"
"sbox_maxlamps"			"5"
"sbox_maxthrusters"		"20"
"sbox_maxwheels"		"20"
"sbox_godmode"			"0"
"sbox_plpldamage"		"1"
"sbox_playergod"		"0"
"sbox_noclip"			"1"
"sbox_maxhoverballs"		"20"
"sbox_maxvehicles"		"3"
"sbox_maxbuttons"		"20"
"sbox_maxsents"			"20"
"sbox_maxemitters"		"5"
"sbox_maxspawners"		"3"
"sbox_maxturrets"		"2"


I just don't understand, so if someone could shed some light then it would be greatly appreciated.

Half-Life 2 - Garry's Mod.txt

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Numero uno: Copy and paste the contents from the server console into here

Numero dos: Replace:






Your server.cfg is the least of your problems. It contains no errors (you can remove sv_lan 0 since this isn't a listen server). I'll add some more to it if I see anything else wrong. And I assume you're running the server in "Interact with desktop" for the time being?

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Thanks for the quick response.


Here's what was in the Server Output:


Creating game server (Half-Life 2 - Garry's Mod)...

Creating paths for game server...

Copying game files from ftp server...

Zip file exists....

StandardPlugins.RemoteServers.FTPClient.CopyFile: Error downloading: /Games/garrys.zip Copy from: /Games/garrys.zip. Trying againg in 5 seconds (1 of 10 tries) Error: Unable to read data from the transport connection.

StandardPlugins.RemoteServers.FTPClient.CopyFile: Resuming TC82684250533744051186348.zip at: 308871168

StandardPlugins.RemoteServers.FTPClient.CopyFile: Error downloading: /Games/garrys.zip Copy from: /Games/garrys.zip. Trying againg in 5 seconds (2 of 10 tries) Error: Unable to read data from the transport connection.

StandardPlugins.RemoteServers.FTPClient.CopyFile: Resuming TC82684250533744051186348.zip at: 405539353

Keeping a local copy of the file...

Unzipping file....

Extracting to: C:\UserFiles\LEWISB\GameServers\TC82684250533744051186348

Checking for available ip and port...

Modifying game files...

Setting up game service...

Game server has been created:


This is just our test server so we want to get things perfect before if goes live on another 10.


Edit: Made the changes you told me, and reinstalled the server in question but still no luck.

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Alright, here's the output:


252.1 fps 0/ 2 on map

Console initialized.

ConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar

Game.dll loaded for "Garry's Mod"

Mounting hl2.. OK

Mounting ep2.. Failed

Mounting tf.. Failed

Mounting cstrike.. Failed

Mounting dod.. Failed

Mounting episodic.. Failed

Mounting hl2mp.. Disabled

Mounting portal.. Failed

Mounting lostcoast.. Disabled

Mounting hl1.. Disabled

Mounting hl1mp.. Disabled

Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (sk_apc_missile_damage)

Garry's Mod client.dll Build #050 [Dec 15 2008 23:37:44]

maxplayers set to 2

Unknown command "cl_interp"

maxplayers set to 2

exec: couldn't exec server.cfg

Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27019 SV / 27008 CL


I reinstalled all files back onto the master server, but still no luck.

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  • 4 months later...

That oversized picture really was not needed, a simple I can't query the game in tcadmin would suffice ;)


Yes tcadmin is able to query gmod, it currently uses halflife2 query. If that is what your config is setup with then you need to conduct troubleshooting 101

1. Is the server actually running? TcAdmin says it is running because it started the service, not because the service started the application.

a. Can you query it with other programs?

b. Do you see it running on the desktop?

i. If you see it on the desktop did it run the whole way through starting. For GMOD last lines should be contacting master server and vac secured (unless vac is turned off) you should also have a status bar at the top (1st line) with player slots, and map if status didn’t fill out like no map is listed server didn’t really start and you need to review you server config, startup line, file, and addons.

2. If the server is running you have a firewall issue, make sure your ports are open.

3. If server isn’t running then review you servers config, startline, files, addons, ect.. You should be able to run the game from a .bat file. If this works and only tcadmin doesn’t work and it is not a firewall issue as stated above tcadmin really won’t run the game that runs fine with a bat file then put in a support ticket.

From time to time the services don’t create correctly for some reason, I have had it happen twice. Louis always has it fixed in a jiffy though. Maybe one of these days he’ll share his little secret on that so I don’t have to bug him when it happens. ;)

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Server is hanging on loading, notice status bar has no map name.

Double check your map name in your start line

Try loading a different start map

Try simplifing server host name some characters cause problems

Verify all values in server.cfg have start and end quotes, seen this one countless times.


Is it a plain vanilla server, some addons can messup during load and look like this.

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