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What could be wrong here ???????


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Iam trying to set whmcs up by the manual but it will not even connect to the server when i add configurable options..


But if i doing it the other way with out it and actually put the slots in the module section then it will go thru ok . it will not create a server anyother way i have tried for hours yo get it to setup thru this way http://wiki.whmcs.com/TCAdmin


I also get this error when i do it thru configurable options when i create it manually this comes up and i know for a fact everthing is right


Module Command Error

-1 - You did not send a game or voice server id or the data was not valid.


If some one can help me that would be great



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Double check all of your spellings and capitalizations as iether one can cause problems.

Make sure you have all custom fields and configurable options stated in the guide, except the following are optional "private password", "game private", "game branded" and you will only use IETHER "game slots" or "game additional slots" not both.

Make sure you are hitting save on EACH page, WHMCS doesn't allways save everything when you go browsing to other sections (even just on tabs) so allways hit save when you enter something.

Ensure you have your datacenter and gam ids correct, they are the TC... numbers NOT Dallas, Chicago, TF2... it doesn't wok on names.

Go back and double check your information in the configuration servers section.


Have you gone into your tcadmin and added the IPs for your web server, so tcadmin knows to accept connections from it?

Have you setup your datacenter(s) to accept automation?

Have you enabled automation on individual machines(servers), and highlighted some or all of the games?

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Thanks for the reply


i found out what the problem was


In the configurable options i had the name Game slots and then when i was adding the numbered slots like 1 2 3 4 etc


i was putting in 10 slot instead of just 10 lol


Was a very long day hehehehe just bought a few servers and getting them all ready..


1 more thing in the CUSTOM Feilds parts where we put the Data Centre like TCXXXXX | DC Name


If we have say 2 servers 1 in a dallas DC and one in a LA DC as An Example


when clients order will it Automaticlly install on the DC ?


Because the way i see it if we have 2 DC'S listed there it wont work because then we have to make another package and add the DC to the Tcadmin module am i correct ?


Its very missleading





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  kaosx said:



Thanks for the reply


i found out what the problem was


In the configurable options i had the name Game slots and then when i was adding the numbered slots like 1 2 3 4 etc


i was putting in 10 slot instead of just 10 lol


Was a very long day hehehehe just bought a few servers and getting them all ready..


1 more thing in the CUSTOM Feilds parts where we put the Data Centre like TCXXXXX | DC Name


If we have say 2 servers 1 in a dallas DC and one in a LA DC as An Example


when clients order will it Automaticlly install on the DC ?


Because the way i see it if we have 2 DC'S listed there it wont work because then we have to make another package and add the DC to the Tcadmin module am i correct ?


Its very missleading






You can actually put 2 different things in each field. Say you have a datacenter you can put: TC1323243432432|London UK, TC3213214324323|Dallas TX

The item before the | is what is passed to tca, and the one aftter is what the customer sees.


You can do the same thing with the configurable options.


1|1 Player Slot

5|5 Player Slots.


Pretty much all the fields can be done this way.


(sure make it nice for putting plain language in those fields. You would be surprised how many people have NO CLUE what an RCON Password is.)

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Hi Vic,


Don't suppose you have noticed anything about whmcs not passing over the branding or private options?


We are having issues with just those 2 fields, but have changed nothing, it just seems to have started :confused: or rarther stopped!


Have checked and they are "Game Slots" and "Game Private" respectively.

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  iLight said:
PRI16|16 Private Player Slots

PUB16|16 Public Player Slots


Does it work with WHMCS?



Well I wouldn't have posted it if it didn't. I only use it this way. It is NOT a matter of whmcs allowing it. It is part of an array that whmcs passed to TCA... Since TCA allows it, it works.


The syntax I would use for the Private Setting would be "Game Private" then would be "yes" "no" or "1|yes" "0|No" That would be what I would try.

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  kaosx said:

1 more thing in the CUSTOM Feilds parts where we put the Data Centre like TCXXXXX | DC Name


If we have say 2 servers 1 in a dallas DC and one in a LA DC as An Example


when clients order will it Automaticlly install on the DC ?


Because the way i see it if we have 2 DC'S listed there it wont work because then we have to make another package and add the DC to the Tcadmin module am i correct ?


Its very missleading







To do this go to your custom Feilds array. input the following:

Field Name: Datacenter|Location

Field Type: Drop Down



Notice the comma. That is the seperator for the drop down box. The TCXXXXXX is of course the TCA number and after the | is what your customer sees in the drop down.


look here at what fields I have, and ask me for any of them I will tell you how I did it. My signup page!

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