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Windows Server 2008 Web Edtion


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Well iam stuck in a hard place right now i have to switch data centers.


And the data center i want to go to only can supply me with linux or server 2008 webedtion.


Now i really like tcadmin. i dont want to go to linux because i dont know it.


Now will i still be able to have game servers on server 2008 web edtion i have read some where that we are unable to..


Ill be doing mostly valve games


Also how does server 2008 run the game servers ?



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Then every GSP offering dedicated servers for rent will have to stop. Many including some in this forum sell web edition for game hosting. I know i used to rent from them.


You're right. As they're using SPLA program, they are responsible how their own customers are using the software.

But i know a lot of hosters that install Unauthentificated licences for their customers without any control ;)

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