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do you or your gsp sponsor clans?


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  dimitrifrom31 said:
I started as a game clan and always paid my bills.


Basically when you are sponsoring some ppl you need to take money from others, the ones who pay for your services.

Instead of sponsoring some teams I decided to lower prices for every1, and if some ppl cant afford a game server well too bad but hell we are just talking about games, its not like if they couldnt afford food and I was a supermarket owner watching them die.


I cant afford a house so I live in apartment, you gota make choices according to ur budget.


Now I fully understand if you sacrify some of your profits to sponsor a few teams but my personal choice was to make it fair for every1 as I dont see why some would pay and some would get the same service for free.


Agreed, people just don't want to pay as they think they can get it for free even though they can pay.

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  dimitrifrom31 said:
I started as a game clan and always paid my bills.


Basically when you are sponsoring some ppl you need to take money from others, the ones who pay for your services.

Instead of sponsoring some teams I decided to lower prices for every1,



Dude I have been to your website and seen your prices. If that is what you call taking care of the customer I would hate to see what you consider a good profit.


We have offered $1.00 a slot servers from day one. Yes there are a few games that we charge a little more for because of their high resource utilization but we also have customers that pay $.70 a slot.


We currently sponsor around 15 Clans and Race Leagues. We don't expect those sponsorships to generate new sales. We sponsor clans just to give back to the community.


Using your analogy is like saying I only donate to the church to buy my way into heaven.

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  Derek said:
Agreed, people just don't want to pay as they think they can get it for free even though they can pay.


You are the kind of person that drives past a homeless person yelling get a job. Or you think why give him money he will just spend it on drugs.


For all of you out there with this attitude I will say this.


If a man is asking for help, then help him. If he does not really need help then God will judge him for his sins. God will also judge you for not helping when asked.


HostileContact has been fortunate and we have succeeded in a very competitive market. We like to thank those that made us successful by giving a little back.

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you pay for what you get.

you pay for quality


but most gsp in gsptruth.com are thinking of a way to say no to all sponsorships.

if you continue to say no.. and if everyone continue to say no.. maybe the request of sponsorship will grow slim and finally stop!


This is exactly why I don't like going with most GSP's in the first place. You think just like corporate America, not about the client, just so you can finish that beach house near the ocean.



If you're a GSP with say 15 Dedicated boxes, you aren't utilizing ALL 15 boxes and their are resoures NOT being used, you're still making money. It doesn't hurt to sponsor a server, webhosting, a league server to a semi large community that already pays the bills, that already has a website, that already has a structure, that already has popular servers, that already is sponsored.


Granted I understand that you get people to come by desperate wanting help, wanting free. Most do come off like that, some don't. But the whole point is, you don't take the time to even look/study the individual that would like it, you don't take any effort in wanting to show what you can offer. And that's the exact reason most (MOST) large communities, don't run with a GSP in the first place.


Hell, Derek talked to me about a sponsorship, I kinda turned that away with his attitude (no offense you're cool) He just came off with to much of an ego and said "I have more technical knowledge than anyone you know" - He got a profit with me ordering like what? 12 servers was it?. My community wasn't desperate, we were seeking for an edge in online gaming. I kinda blocked that attitude out and said "Hats off see ya later"


We pay our bills just fine. http://www.iradic-esports.com/donate.php - Like my original statement when looking for sponsors. We just wanted to expand/grow. Not looking for free loading. When we looked to expand/grow we have to of course look for the best cost route available.


I treat my community just like a business as well. I want to get my name out there, all over the country, and then all over the world. Offer our Community Members great benefits on our severs, and in return, they help us out (Been doing fine so far)


Again, it's to each and their own.


Thank you for your Kind words SickPuppy. It shows that that some companies (no matter the business) still have some heart left in them.

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  SickPuppy said:
You are the kind of person that drives past a homeless person yelling get a job. Or you think why give him money he will just spend it on drugs.


For all of you out there with this attitude I will say this.


If a man is asking for help, then help him. If he does not really need help then God will judge him for his sins. God will also judge you for not helping when asked.


HostileContact has been fortunate and we have succeeded in a very competitive market. We like to thank those that made us successful by giving a little back.


Heh, not going to lie I would yell at a homeless person to get a job because sadly he needs to get off his ass and work just like everyone one else. I earn my paycheck and I don't need to give it away , for hard work I do every day. Sorry but If I need help I don't see people running to my door to help me.


I am not sure what you define sucess as ? If you mean staying alive longer then a few month sure. I am not going to call XFactor Servers sucessful because I have been around for 1 Year and 3 Months and bring in a $XXXX pay check every month.


PS. Sickpuppy I dont know what I would do without you around , you always seem to keep things alive here :p

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  SickPuppy said:
Dude I have been to your website and seen your prices. If that is what you call taking care of the customer I would hate to see what you consider a good profit.


We have offered $1.00 a slot servers from day one. Yes there are a few games that we charge a little more for because of their high resource utilization but we also have customers that pay $.70 a slot.


We currently sponsor around 15 Clans and Race Leagues. We don't expect those sponsorships to generate new sales. We sponsor clans just to give back to the community.


Using your analogy is like saying I only donate to the church to buy my way into heaven.


Do not get me wrong it was nothing personal, as I said I fully understant your point altho my personal choice is different.

And you cannot compare prices between USA and Europe. Check others European GSP prices and you will see how much they charge comared to me.

I used to rent a dedi in the US and it was around 30% cheaper than in Europe for a similar config.


Sorry that I cant express my point perfectly since english is not my mother language but what I meant is that basically the sponsored servers have a cost and Id rather not sponsor and lower the standard prices for every1 to make it fair so I dont have customers who pay for a service whereas others get it free.


  SickPuppy said:
You are the kind of person that drives past a homeless person yelling get a job. Or you think why give him money he will just spend it on drugs.


For all of you out there with this attitude I will say this.


If a man is asking for help, then help him. If he does not really need help then God will judge him for his sins. God will also judge you for not helping when asked.


HostileContact has been fortunate and we have succeeded in a very competitive market. We like to thank those that made us successful by giving a little back.


About that and as I said we are talking about gaming services, ppl can live without a gameserver so theres no reason to give it for free if you charge it for the rest. Those who can afford PC, games, internet connection arent in need of help, they are just trying to get free services cuz its human nature that they dont want to pay if they can avoid it.

But everything has a price, we all have bills and to those who ask for sponsorship saying they can bring new customers I just answer "bring the new customers first and I sponsor you a server" then they often leave the msn convo which means they had no intention to do anything in return.

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  GodFather said:
This is exactly why I don't like going with most GSP's in the first place. You think just like corporate America, not about the client, just so you can finish that beach house near the ocean.



If you're a GSP with say 15 Dedicated boxes, you aren't utilizing ALL 15 boxes and their are resoures NOT being used, you're still making money. It doesn't hurt to sponsor a server, webhosting, a league server to a semi large community that already pays the bills, that already has a website, that already has a structure, that already has popular servers, that already is sponsored.


Granted I understand that you get people to come by desperate wanting help, wanting free. Most do come off like that, some don't. But the whole point is, you don't take the time to even look/study the individual that would like it, you don't take any effort in wanting to show what you can offer. And that's the exact reason most (MOST) large communities, don't run with a GSP in the first place.


Hell, Derek talked to me about a sponsorship, I kinda turned that away with his attitude (no offense you're cool) He just came off with to much of an ego and said "I have more technical knowledge than anyone you know" - He got a profit with me ordering like what? 12 servers was it?. My community wasn't desperate, we were seeking for an edge in online gaming. I kinda blocked that attitude out and said "Hats off see ya later"


We pay our bills just fine. http://www.iradic-esports.com/donate.php - Like my original statement when looking for sponsors. We just wanted to expand/grow. Not looking for free loading. When we looked to expand/grow we have to of course look for the best cost route available.


I treat my community just like a business as well. I want to get my name out there, all over the country, and then all over the world. Offer our Community Members great benefits on our severs, and in return, they help us out (Been doing fine so far)


Again, it's to each and their own.


Thank you for your Kind words SickPuppy. It shows that that some companies (no matter the business) still have some heart left in them.





I understand what you mean. About all GSP's and such not sponsoring...


But, not everyone needs a gaming server. I mean playing PC games especially competitively cost a lot and alot of money. new games need new graphic cards.. cpu, rams, motheboard, etc.


that cost a lot of money to upgrade. If people are willing to upgrade to play a new game.. why would it be so hard for people to pay $20-$40 for 1 month? for their own server as "entertainment?" because obviously.. we are playing games to kill time and do nthing but to talk with clan/ friends and have fun at the same time.


I understand that there are community that looks big, strong, and are committed to sponsors but there are SOME that don't. ITs just saying like some people are good and some aren't but not everyone "are' good people. But i don't judge anyone until the outcome.


Anyways... if i asked you what bills you have.. you might tell me

basic ulitties such as rent (if your living in apartment)

2. gas to drive to work (if your job is outside) or for basic needs: food

3. pay for gas, electricity, internet

4. maybe clothes.


now those are mostly the common bills... now if i asked you.. have you bought any new games? any new electronic stuff? any junk food? any expensive clothes or shoes? car mods? etc? or if you go to the movie or bowling or such every week?


you will prob tell me no.. but i can tell that is not true. We all need to eat.. but do we ALL need to eat fancy resturant all the time that cost over $100?


- we all WANT cool electronic stuff such as the new IPHONE, PS3, XBOX 360 or a new 80 inch LED TV? ... but DO WE ALL NEED IT?


- we have enough food to starve us.. but we want to buy all these tons of junk food cause it TASTE good but we aren't starving to death. but some how we still buy it


- sometimes we like to buy all these fashion name type of shoes and clothes that cost over $100 .. and maybe if you mod cars.. you put money into it as well .. (like my brother who goes crazy on his car).


and i can keep on going but the main point is..




i mean... you can be spending all your money or anyone who like these things and have $0 left. Then you want a game server but can't seem to afford one since you just spend your pay check or allowances lol or what so ever.. does that make even any sense?!


You guys can spend all your money on all these useless .. non NEEDED things .. but people can't or aren't willing to spend abot $20-$40 for a server? that doesn't really make any sense.


I know it may not be cheap since its something "Virtual" and not something you can touch or wear.... but still... you are still paying for the "entertainment". You DON'T HAVE TO buy a server and can play in a public server but for the people who want their own server for their own clan or guild or team.. spending $20-$40 shouldn't be a problem if you guys are willing to spend all your money on other useless things. I mean game server is also a useless thing its.. only "entertainment".



Its like watching a movie.

Tickets has gone up.. here in California at night..for an adult

is maybe $12-$13 for 1 ticket.

and if you add the popcorn + drink combo = another $12

Now thats about $24 to watch a movie with a large popcorn + large drink.


but.. did we really have to spend that money? The movie theathers didn't FORCE us to pay $24 to watch a movie, did they? We decided to. Not them. Could we waited for it to come on DVD or on TV? yes we can.


Now.. tell me.. if your willing to pay $24 for a new movie.. or more .. how can someone not be willing to pay maybe for a low budget server of $0.99/slot ?


You are paying for a month for maybe $20-$40 but people are ok for paying $24 for 2 hours of a new movie?


See.. we don't need these type of things.. they are all WANTS

all for "entertainment".


Like I mention.. clans/teams who usually ask for sponsorship is like begging. Not more than 3% actually commit to advertisements and sales and such. Im not saying you don't or will... but if people were able to afford these type of fun entertainment things.. why can't they afford it for a game server for themselves?


we all have jobs, we all have or make money, we all are different.


that doesn't mean that people can get away with free stuff.

I dont think anyone is willing to give out FREE stuff even if they had spare or extra that they don't need.


You can't really compare game server to hobos or to a reglious beliefs of God or who ever.. these are all want and not needs.


Homeless people are usually disabled or mentally ill people which is sad to see. and I can't believe what Derek type was acceptable.. i mean there are some homeless people who are alcoholic, gamblers who just loves to gamble, and also the drop outs with no education.


Its very sad to see this happen in our world, but its life. No one is born perfect. What can we do to help? we can try to pray and help.. i have donated some money to homeless who seems worth donating too.

(Not Those one that are smoking or carrying alochol in their hands)


you know what..

there was actually 1 time when some guy was looking for food well thats what it said on his cardboard sign.... and i went to buy him something to eat.. a sandwich and a bottle of water.

he then tells me to "f off" and he wanted REAL MONEY.


^ can you believe that? i am trying to help him and he tells me to f off while i TRY to do something good.


now face it.. nothing is FREE in the world. Its not that we are greedy or selfish.. its just life.


We all work, we all pay for things, we all want things.


How are we going to pay our network bills or server bills or make any new changes into our company if there is no money? We can't buy fancy things that we want, we can't buy the new electronic gadgets, etc. if we don't have enough money but .. we have to use our OWN FUNDS to fund our own company? .. then most company would be DEAD.


I can keep on going and going but i will prob end it here.


but if sponsorships were really TRUE.. then people should try this.


go into a resturant or a movie theather and ask them..

if they are willing to let you in for free for movies or give you free food and you will tell them that you will refer your friends and also be doing a good deed for God.


And make sure to record it.. and let me know what happens. it might actually be quite funny.



*God Father - I also see that you are selling your Clan Design.. on the advertising fourm.

what would happen if everyone and including me.. ask you to make me a free website as a sponsor.. and i promise you to bring you more referrals but never happen. how would you feel? After all the time, and work you put into your master piece design.. don't you feel kinda used?

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+1 to trancemode


and godfather about what your saying with free rooms on Machines, that is true all GSP have some free room altho the market is very volatile and you cannot create free servers and take them off 2 days laters cuz you had a few orders.


And if i follow your point then I should be able to eat at Restautant everyday since they make too much food and throw some at the end of the service.

I should also go to the Cinema for free since there are always some seats that are not taken.

I should not pay my bus ticketets anymore,

I should not pay my apartment rent cuz there are some free apartments around.


As you can see your argument makes no sense, maybe it does in wonderland but we are in the real world and have to feed ourselves and our families so not working for free.

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  trancemode said:


I understand what you mean. About all GSP's and such not sponsoring...


But, not everyone needs a gaming server. I mean playing PC games especially competitively cost a lot and alot of money. new games need new graphic cards.. cpu, rams, motheboard, etc.


that cost a lot of money to upgrade. If people are willing to upgrade to play a new game.. why would it be so hard for people to pay $20-$40 for 1 month? for their own server as "entertainment?" because obviously.. we are playing games to kill time and do nthing but to talk with clan/ friends and have fun at the same time.


I understand that there are community that looks big, strong, and are committed to sponsors but there are SOME that don't. ITs just saying like some people are good and some aren't but not everyone "are' good people. But i don't judge anyone until the outcome.


Anyways... if i asked you what bills you have.. you might tell me

basic ulitties such as rent (if your living in apartment)

2. gas to drive to work (if your job is outside) or for basic needs: food

3. pay for gas, electricity, internet

4. maybe clothes.


now those are mostly the common bills... now if i asked you.. have you bought any new games? any new electronic stuff? any junk food? any expensive clothes or shoes? car mods? etc? or if you go to the movie or bowling or such every week?


you will prob tell me no.. but i can tell that is not true. We all need to eat.. but do we ALL need to eat fancy resturant all the time that cost over $100?


- we all WANT cool electronic stuff such as the new IPHONE, PS3, XBOX 360 or a new 80 inch LED TV? ... but DO WE ALL NEED IT?


- we have enough food to starve us.. but we want to buy all these tons of junk food cause it TASTE good but we aren't starving to death. but some how we still buy it


- sometimes we like to buy all these fashion name type of shoes and clothes that cost over $100 .. and maybe if you mod cars.. you put money into it as well .. (like my brother who goes crazy on his car).


and i can keep on going but the main point is..




i mean... you can be spending all your money or anyone who like these things and have $0 left. Then you want a game server but can't seem to afford one since you just spend your pay check or allowances lol or what so ever.. does that make even any sense?!


You guys can spend all your money on all these useless .. non NEEDED things .. but people can't or aren't willing to spend abot $20-$40 for a server? that doesn't really make any sense.


I know it may not be cheap since its something "Virtual" and not something you can touch or wear.... but still... you are still paying for the "entertainment". You DON'T HAVE TO buy a server and can play in a public server but for the people who want their own server for their own clan or guild or team.. spending $20-$40 shouldn't be a problem if you guys are willing to spend all your money on other useless things. I mean game server is also a useless thing its.. only "entertainment".



Its like watching a movie.

Tickets has gone up.. here in California at night..for an adult

is maybe $12-$13 for 1 ticket.

and if you add the popcorn + drink combo = another $12

Now thats about $24 to watch a movie with a large popcorn + large drink.


but.. did we really have to spend that money? The movie theathers didn't FORCE us to pay $24 to watch a movie, did they? We decided to. Not them. Could we waited for it to come on DVD or on TV? yes we can.


Now.. tell me.. if your willing to pay $24 for a new movie.. or more .. how can someone not be willing to pay maybe for a low budget server of $0.99/slot ?


You are paying for a month for maybe $20-$40 but people are ok for paying $24 for 2 hours of a new movie?


See.. we don't need these type of things.. they are all WANTS

all for "entertainment".


Like I mention.. clans/teams who usually ask for sponsorship is like begging. Not more than 3% actually commit to advertisements and sales and such. Im not saying you don't or will... but if people were able to afford these type of fun entertainment things.. why can't they afford it for a game server for themselves?


we all have jobs, we all have or make money, we all are different.


that doesn't mean that people can get away with free stuff.

I dont think anyone is willing to give out FREE stuff even if they had spare or extra that they don't need.


You can't really compare game server to hobos or to a reglious beliefs of God or who ever.. these are all want and not needs.


Homeless people are usually disabled or mentally ill people which is sad to see. and I can't believe what Derek type was acceptable.. i mean there are some homeless people who are alcoholic, gamblers who just loves to gamble, and also the drop outs with no education.


Its very sad to see this happen in our world, but its life. No one is born perfect. What can we do to help? we can try to pray and help.. i have donated some money to homeless who seems worth donating too.

(Not Those one that are smoking or carrying alochol in their hands)


you know what..

there was actually 1 time when some guy was looking for food well thats what it said on his cardboard sign.... and i went to buy him something to eat.. a sandwich and a bottle of water.

he then tells me to "f off" and he wanted REAL MONEY.


^ can you believe that? i am trying to help him and he tells me to f off while i TRY to do something good.


now face it.. nothing is FREE in the world. Its not that we are greedy or selfish.. its just life.


We all work, we all pay for things, we all want things.


How are we going to pay our network bills or server bills or make any new changes into our company if there is no money? We can't buy fancy things that we want, we can't buy the new electronic gadgets, etc. if we don't have enough money but .. we have to use our OWN FUNDS to fund our own company? .. then most company would be DEAD.


I can keep on going and going but i will prob end it here.


but if sponsorships were really TRUE.. then people should try this.


go into a resturant or a movie theather and ask them..

if they are willing to let you in for free for movies or give you free food and you will tell them that you will refer your friends and also be doing a good deed for God.


And make sure to record it.. and let me know what happens. it might actually be quite funny.



*God Father - I also see that you are selling your Clan Design.. on the advertising fourm.

what would happen if everyone and including me.. ask you to make me a free website as a sponsor.. and i promise you to bring you more referrals but never happen. how would you feel? After all the time, and work you put into your master piece design.. don't you feel kinda used?


nice rant , regarding the hobo thing , thoose are the choices that THEY made , so we should help people that made poor choices over and over again ? You need to man up and do the things to move forward in your life but anyways I don't think that has anything to do with game servers / tcadmin lol .


But I agree with most of your points trace , people just simply are too lazy to spend the money even though they can as they are willing to spend $25 at the movies for a few hours but can't spend $10 for 30 days. Come on..

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It all comes down to perception, and alas there are way too many misperceptions running around.


The beggar on the street corner, sure I drive by not because I don’t care but because I care enough to research and know. Your average street beggar can pull in a six figure income every year from begging. (Granted those figures were from better times and from the US) while on the other hand there are many at homeless shelters working hard to find a new job, learn a new trade ect. So my cash goes there to the homeless shelters, the training programs and other such. Where it will do good, not where it will make the guy that stashed their $500bike behind the bushes and through some mud and soot on his face to scam everyone rich. Yes I have actually personally seen the bike incident I just mentioned.


The average GSP doesn’t have a beach house, most have a basic roof over their head and pay their bills. And I personally know many who work second jobs putting in as much as 90 -100 hrs a week working to keep that moderate life style paid for. Being a GSP is not the cash cow so many on the outside like to think it is, if it was you wouldn’t have GSPs dropping like flies every year. It is all about hard work.


Yes there is extra room that is going to waste. But as pointed out already, we can’t just play Indian giver and go yanking the sponsored server as soon as we have need of the space. And why should persons “A, B, & C” pay full price while person “C” gets it free. Yes there are times and reasons and I will entertain any such notion, but if you start off like every other person with “I want”, “You owe”, “It’s the nice thing”, “you should give back” I’ll promptly show you my trash can, as I am not going to make everyone else pay for your service.

Unfortunately the higher power is toted all too often by those not in need to scam those with kind hearts. Look at the number of charities all for the same exact cause. The reason for this is there founders can pay for their nice lifestyles classifying it as administrative costs. If we all took a little more time to look where are money is going the world would be a lot better place because those really needing a hand up would get it and those wanting to mooch off everyone would find it slim to none pickings and might actually put their brains and determination to work making things better.


So let’s quit any mud throwing and instead do some work to research the real facts. Then if we have a way to make things better come back and share that rather than our judgments and condemnations.

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  GodFather said:
This is exactly why I don't like going with most GSP's in the first place. You think just like corporate America, not about the client, just so you can finish that beach house near the ocean.



If you're a GSP with say 15 Dedicated boxes, you aren't utilizing ALL 15 boxes and their are resoures NOT being used, you're still making money. It doesn't hurt to sponsor a server, webhosting, a league server to a semi large community that already pays the bills, that already has a website, that already has a structure, that already has popular servers, that already is sponsored.


Granted I understand that you get people to come by desperate wanting help, wanting free. Most do come off like that, some don't. But the whole point is, you don't take the time to even look/study the individual that would like it, you don't take any effort in wanting to show what you can offer. And that's the exact reason most (MOST) large communities, don't run with a GSP in the first place.


Hell, Derek talked to me about a sponsorship, I kinda turned that away with his attitude (no offense you're cool) He just came off with to much of an ego and said "I have more technical knowledge than anyone you know" - He got a profit with me ordering like what? 12 servers was it?. My community wasn't desperate, we were seeking for an edge in online gaming. I kinda blocked that attitude out and said "Hats off see ya later"


We pay our bills just fine. http://www.iradic-esports.com/donate.php - Like my original statement when looking for sponsors. We just wanted to expand/grow. Not looking for free loading. When we looked to expand/grow we have to of course look for the best cost route available.


I treat my community just like a business as well. I want to get my name out there, all over the country, and then all over the world. Offer our Community Members great benefits on our severs, and in return, they help us out (Been doing fine so far)


Again, it's to each and their own.


Thank you for your Kind words SickPuppy. It shows that that some companies (no matter the business) still have some heart left in them.


Rofl, sorry but how about you stop putting your head up your bum. You seemed fine to challenge me saying I had no clue what I am talking about. Here is a quote from you


"It's simple facts, the higher the FPS the better the registration 250 = 4mil"


Thoose are not facts at all , show me "facts" where the higher the fps the better registration. I was doing you a favour offering you a per slot pricing cheaper then anyone here would offer you (if they are not a kiddie gsp) then you started insulting me thinking you would be getting 1000FPS or 500FPS servers for that price and started acting like you are 13 years old by typing "LOLZ read up on fps/tickrate" sorry, but I have been running servers and operating servers much longer then you have been and I am not talking out of my ass.


I am also not intrested in someone trying to haggle pricing down to 0.24 / slot. I will only sponsor communties that will grow in the future and are "worth" sponsoring and currently that is only 2 communties. (PGN/NG)

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I'm not going to lie. Most of the points are valid, and everyone witnesses them each and everyday down that yellow brick road (that street of yours)... However my main arguement still resolves unanswered.


Tracemod: That story was nothing more than assumptions, contradictions, valid life points, and lies that you can see down any street. Most of your points are unrelated to gaming. Heck, I'm not going to lie. I honestly haven't went to the movies for a few months (6months), I just got out of college with a degree and I can't get a job...I still have loans to pay back, no joke your average luxury bill scheme = assumptions. I signed up for the Air Force and I'm waiting to leave. I honestly don't have any food in my place what so ever. I run 4.2 miles to my moms house to grab a sandwich since my vehicle is broke down and I don't have the money to fix it. I live with my girlfriend who lives off of a food card and working at Taco Bell since she got laid off from another job (Personal stuff can keep going on here if you wanted a life story) so yes, some peopole don't enjoy luxuries, but I don't moan, and groan or use that for excuses to buy game servers now do I? Do most people 'online' use that type of arguement? That personal life stuff does not involve Sponsorships.The reason why I'm selling that design is for a little extra money in my pocket that doesn't even relate to anything to do with GSP's.


You come with these arguements that have nothing to do with Sponsorships and then proved numerous times about how most and I mean 95% plus clans ARE in fact worthless to you as businesses outside of personal life matters. My point still remains unanswered, that most GSP's. DO NOT even take the initiative to see what that person wants. There is that 5% out there that CAN help out in which and every way and I'm merely defending there points since I'm in fact one of them. (In my opinion anyways)


And if i follow your point then I should be able to eat at Restautant everyday since they make too much food and throw some at the end of the service.

I should also go to the Cinema for free since there are always some seats that are not taken.

I should not pay my bus ticketets anymore,

I should not pay my apartment rent cuz there are some free apartments around.


1. There are restaurants that do give free food to charities. College we cooked for homeless kids to do some community service

2. That's a location thing, I'd rather run/walk (but I'm a college runner so not a problem) again, it's a personal choice. 50c isn't breaking you I agree. Neither is walking 10min.

3. A lot of people sneak in to the cinemas, and a lot of cinemas allow High school kids in with certain grades (isn't that sponsorship/advertisement?)

So if you REALLY wanted to use that analogy.. hmm

That means you DO give charities aka servers? nope..

Does that mean I can sneak in and grab a server from you? Nope...

Since I'm an IT graduate, you going to give me a server? Nope...


Yeah, you can't use that analogy at all.... lol


It's gameservers, game sponsorships, TCADMIN.... Not Cinemas, Restaraunts, Buses, I'm sure you get the picture. You're trying to compare Apples and Oranges, and you don't even have an Apple.


Their is a big difference in being able to work, and wanting to work. And I'm with Derek, I'm not going to help someone who can help themselves, but alas Studeggle is right. People ought to take the time to research what's going on and take the initive and see if they REALLY did need help


Now Studeggle, I don't know if your post was directly pointed 100% at me, or in TCADMIN as a whole for all the mud flowing, if it is directed at everyone then yes, I 100% agree, everyone should do more research and not make assumptions (even if it is some lame clan... homeless people.... charities.... god....) and take the inititive to see what is actually going on.


If it's directed towards me, it doesn't say anything about me nor my posts.


Kind Regards

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Rofl, sorry but how about you stop putting your head up your bum. You seemed fine to challenge me saying I had no clue what I am talking about. Here is a quote from you


"It's simple facts, the higher the FPS the better the registration 250 = 4mil"


Thoose are not facts at all , show me "facts" where the higher the fps the better registration. I was doing you a favour offering you a per slot pricing cheaper then anyone here would offer you (if they are not a kiddie gsp) then you started insulting me thinking you would be getting 1000FPS or 500FPS servers for that price and started acting like you are 13 years old by typing "LOLZ read up on fps/tickrate" sorry, but I have been running servers and operating servers much longer then you have been and I am not talking out of my ass.


I am also not intrested in someone trying to haggle pricing down to 0.24 / slot.


Same to you, prove it isn't. I mean I agree, you made me mad with your egocentric head of yours saying. "I have more technical knoweldge than anyone you know" which is a quote from you.


I didn't ensult you until you went all ego. I asked what FPS they would be, you sai 250. I figured with the price you payed for your slots (1.49) you'd atleast offer 512fps. Thus sponsoring that lowering hte cost to what was it? .74c at the 512.


You bashed me with your ego, I bashed you with mine and took my community elsewhere. You were about the sales, not sponsorship. Hats off to you and your business, it's the exact reason why larger communities will never run with a GSP like yours. You haggle and waggle them to seek your benefit.

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  GodFather said:
Same to you, prove it isn't. I mean I agree, you made me mad with your egocentric head of yours saying. "I have more technical knoweldge than anyone you know" which is a quote from you.


I didn't ensult you until you went all ego. I asked what FPS they would be, you sai 250. I figured with the price you payed for your slots (1.49) you'd atleast offer 512fps. Thus sponsoring that lowering hte cost to what was it? .74c at the 512.


You bashed me with your ego, I bashed you with mine and took my community elsewhere. You were about the sales, not sponsorship. Hats off to you and your business, it's the exact reason why larger communities will never run with a GSP like yours. You haggle and waggle them to seek your benefit.


I am of course about the sales , a "real" business makes money hence why we are not out of business and won't be anytime soon. I guarantee you will be back here in <6 months looking for a new sponsorship and yelling because you lost your ips as your gsp went out of business.


It's funny , "no larger community will run with a gsp like mine" , we have many clients that have 16+ servers with us and run a much larger community then you have (as I am guessing you think your community is large) , sorry but I don't need to deal with someone like you when we have hundred and hundreds of happy clients that will gladly pay our listed pricing.


Lastly , I was doing you a favour by giving you a great discount compared to our listed pricing and you had to act like an idiot when I told you they would be 250FPS servers , as you thought we would be giving you 500FPS or 1000FPS. Yea sorry but I am not going to loose money when running my business others may be fine with that but I am not.


All you are worried about is getting the cheapest price and not looking out whats best for your community which I think is a huge mistake and will bite you in the ass in the coming months. Yes I know I am a dick , and I am not going to deny that, and yes I know I have a large ego and yes I know I won't admit I am wrong even though I know I am wrong because that is how I am but if you get to know me, which a many people on the boards do know me, they will say I am a good guy. Just don't insult me and act like your 13 because I don't have time for that shit.


I wish you the best of your luck , but calling me out on a public forum (clearly your immaturity) when you are new to this forum won't get you far trust me.

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Called you out? what? I'm sorry, but I guess you're right. It is your ego, doesn't matter what I say about it right?


Few facts.


I Run Dedicated servers, not a GSP, I did look for a GSP to go with when I looked for a sponsor. If you fail (gsp), my community fails. Not going to let that happen, I'm better than that. I rather rely on myself to do my tasks (because I have an ego, and I'm awesome at it) then rely on some business who seeks nothing more than profit and lies to them and say "Yeah sponsorship, I can get you deals" wasn't deals, was bribery to get you any sort of profit.


I'm not coming here on these forums to throw a hissy fit with you, Derek, so again hats off to your business and good luck


My last setence to you I think was. "You run a good business, but learn the difference between 250 and 1000fps servers" I didn't insult your business, I ensulted your ego. You just insulted my community about me looking out for it? Umm, if that is Oh so true, why the heck would I change my IP's in the first place when they are always full?????????


Nice assumption champ.

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  GodFather said:
Called you out? what? I'm sorry, but I guess you're right. It is your ego, doesn't matter what I say about it right?


Few facts.


I Run Dedicated servers, not a GSP, I did look for a GSP to go with when I looked for a sponsor. If you fail (gsp), my community fails. Not going to let that happen, I'm better than that. I rather rely on myself to do my tasks (because I have an ego, and I'm awesome at it) then rely on some business who seeks nothing more than profit and lies to them and say "Yeah sponsorship, I can get you deals" wasn't deals, was bribery to get you any sort of profit.


I'm not coming here on these forums to throw a hissy fit with you, Derek, so again hats off to your business and good luck


My last setence to you I think was. "You run a good business, but learn the difference between 250 and 1000fps servers" I didn't insult your business, I ensulted your ego.



Once again thoose are not any facts get your head out of your bum, once again you keep saying there is a registration difference between 250 / 500 and 1000 but please show me ??? Where are your results ? because if you cant prove there is a difference then there is no difference.


You are saying you would rely on a business that doesnt make money then a business that does make money ? That is pretty funny.


Honestly dude, if you are going to call out someone on public forums at least warrent your posts.


You dont see me posting on forums because I disliked a provider or I had a problem with a provider. Business is business keep it to yourself , I even rep my past providers even though there is a few things I disliked etc.


anyways Im done with this thread, it's getting really foolish.

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  Derek said:
Once again thoose are not any facts get your head out of your bum, once again you keep saying there is a registration difference between 250 / 500 and 1000 but please show me ??? Where are your results ? because if you cant prove there is a difference then there is no difference.


You are saying you would rely on a business that doesnt make money then a business that does make money ? That is pretty funny.


Honestly dude, if you are going to call out someone on public forums at least warrent your posts.


You dont see me posting on forums because I disliked a provider or I had a problem with a provider. Business is business keep it to yourself , I even rep my past providers even though there is a few things I disliked etc.


anyways Im done with this thread, it's getting really foolish.


Wow, you're amazing, Derek. I mean you talk about insults, go through the list of back and forth insults, I believe you have more ;)


Proof - Proof is all over the net, but you talk about all this proof, where is yours? You have a lot of talk, with not much to say Derek.


So here, prove how you have 'oh so much more technical knowledge than anyone you know' and prove that 250 FPS is just as good as performance as 1000 fps. Prove it Derek, and I'll come right back with my 'wit' and prove that 1000fps is, in fact better. Better yet, how about a thread of 250fps vrs 1000fps?? That's probably a better idea wouldn't you think?





Anyways, I want to apologize to the TCadmin forums for having this little 'spill' of insults back and forth. I'd like to keep this in the right direction, rather than have me and Derek bash eachother to see who's d*ck is bigger.

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  GodFather said:
Wow, you're amazing, Derek. I mean you talk about insults, go through the list of back and forth insults, I believe you have more ;)


Proof - Proof is all over the net, but you talk about all this proof, where is yours? You have a lot of talk, with not much to say Derek.


So here, prove how you have 'oh so much more technical knowledge than anyone you know' and prove that 250 FPS is just as good as performance as 1000 fps. Prove it Derek, and I'll come right back with my 'wit' and prove that 1000fps is, in fact better. Better yet, how about a thread of 250fps vrs 1000fps?? That's probably a better idea wouldn't you think?





Anyways, I want to apologize to the TCadmin forums for having this little 'spill' of insults back and forth. I'd like to keep this in the right direction, rather than have me and Derek bash eachother to see who's d*ck is bigger.


Why would you register for a forum just to advertise (your threads are advertising only) ? You dont even use tcadmin nor do you think it's needed. This forum is for tcadmin users hence why you can only view it if you are registered. Kids are so childish "OMG YOU HAVE 2000FPZ SERVERS REGISTRY SUCKS ON 500FPZ SERVERS" I'm sure most gsps here will tell you fps does next to nothing in regards to performance and most hosts offer 1000fps just because clients demand it. It's because people sink stupid false facts into kids heads to think 1000FPS servers are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better then 250FPS server.


Yet, people say 4000FPS is not needed / worse but it's double the FPS of a 2000FPS server. I guarantee you will not be able to sustain 1000FPS on your 32/32 slot public tf2 servers but I would love to see it.

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You have more technical knowledge than anyone I know Derek, can't you answer that yourself bud?


Psst, quit assuming


When did I say TCADMIN isn't needed? I believe I posted else where for advertisement, for help, to help. Just like I post on Clantemplates.com or Sourcemod.com or other sites. Where does it say I can't? Hmm, oh, but you know this already don't you Derek? you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know, right?


Kids? You sound just like one yourself. Quit telling people to get their heads out of their bum and do the same man. I'm not trying to start anything with you. I came here with 100% respect and shown it to everyone, I've been open with everyone's ideas. When I talked to you on MSN/AIM about Sponsorship, I left you because of your ego, not your business. I asked a simple question, and I told you my thoughts, you told me yours, you insulted me and my 'technical knowledge' with your own, and you had nothing to show.


Great, props, amazing job, wow, WOOO, "Brushes EGO" You are so... freaking... awesome man, the guy who defies 'technical knowledge' That better for you buddy? Feel better with the stroked ego? GREAT, I'm happy for you!


And, that's not proof Derek. But again, you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know...with me being an IT graduate and all, so not like it matters does it? Just have fun with your business Derek, you don't have anything I'd want in your GSP. Your business has nothing to offer my community either. Nothing personal (well it is) I just won't do business with a guy like you. Someone who has more technical knowledge than anyone I know, and can't tell a difference between Server FPS... Props






EDIT: By the way, since you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know. My server side FPS does drop to the 200's or so, but only for a second and then it's back up to 1000. 90% of the time it's over the 900fps mark, but yeah. What do I know?


I actually prefer Linux, since I can run 16,000 FPS servers with a custom plugin and an awesome kernal with linux, and since Linux doesn't have any kernal limitations... but yeah, what do I know.

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  GodFather said:
You have more technical knowledge than anyone I know Derek, can't you answer that yourself bud?


Psst, quit assuming


When did I say TCADMIN isn't needed? I believe I posted else where for advertisement, for help, to help. Just like I post on Clantemplates.com or Sourcemod.com or other sites. Where does it say I can't? Hmm, oh, but you know this already don't you Derek? you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know, right?


Kids? You sound just like one yourself. Quit telling people to get their heads out of their bum and do the same man. I'm not trying to start anything with you. I came here with 100% respect and shown it to everyone, I've been open with everyone's ideas. When I talked to you on MSN/AIM about Sponsorship, I left you because of your ego, not your business. I asked a simple question, and I told you my thoughts, you told me yours, you insulted me and my 'technical knowledge' with your own, and you had nothing to show.


Great, props, amazing job, wow, WOOO, "Brushes EGO" You are so... freaking... awesome man, the guy who defies 'technical knowledge' That better for you buddy? Feel better with the stroked ego? GREAT, I'm happy for you!


And, that's not proof Derek. But again, you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know...with me being an IT graduate and all, so not like it matters does it? Just have fun with your business Derek, you don't have anything I'd want in your GSP. Your business has nothing to offer my community either. Nothing personal (well it is) I just won't do business with a guy like you. Someone who has more technical knowledge than anyone I know, and can't tell a difference between Server FPS... Props






EDIT: By the way, since you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know. My server side FPS does drop to the 200's or so, but only for a second and then it's back up to 1000. 90% of the time it's over the 900fps mark, but yeah. What do I know?


I actually prefer Linux, since I can run 16,000 FPS servers with a custom plugin and an awesome kernal with linux, and since Linux doesn't have any kernal limitations... but yeah, what do I know.


Running game servers is a totally different beast then having IT knowledge but it seems you are in your own little world. I'm sure thoose 16,000 fps servers run smooth with your custom plugin.

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