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do you or your gsp sponsor clans?


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I will start sponsoring servers when my supermarket will sponsor me food, period.


rofl. yea no kidding. I am heading up to staples here going to see if they can sponsor me a new chair and I will promise to wear a tshirt with a staples logo on the back.

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And saying you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know is SO much more dependent upon game servers.


Hmm, an example


Hey, Webdeveloper! I installed a CS:S server on my computer, therefore, I have more technical knowledge than anyone you know!!!... ummm, no.


Hey, you probably do know more than I do about running a GSP. Considering you're int he business and I'm not. But it doesnt' change what you said now does it? Are you going to say you know more about Webdevelopment than I do, that you know how to script Metamod/SourceMod with C++, that you can break down and reconstruct the linux kernal to run game servers at 16,000 FPS and make a plugin to run it at that as well?


You have a REALLY small world up that bum of yours (in your words)

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rofl. yea no kidding. I am heading up to staples here going to see if they can sponsor me a new chair and I will promise to wear a tshirt with a staples logo on the back.


That would be funny. I'm going to go to a GSP and find out that the owner doesn't know the difference between server side FPS :|:


Yeah, I'm done picking on Derek and how much technical knowledge he knows. Sorry guys, I'll quit now.



Does any GSP, sponsor with discounted prices, that way it is a win win with both ends of the deal?

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That would be funny. I'm going to go to a GSP and find out that the owner doesn't know the difference between server side FPS :|:


rofl, just started running game servers last night. It's funny you are picking fights with gsps and yet you do not even have a gsp nor ever ran a gsp yourself and you do understand we do this for a living ? It's like saying a doctor has no clue what he is doing yet he is a doctor.

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Not picking fights with GSP's. I'm picking a fight with someone who doesn't know the difference between server side FPS, and someone who claims they have more technical knowledge than anyone I know.... that decides to bash my community for nothing, and tells me to get my head out of my ass, when in fact you need to do the same thing.


And your last comment about the Doctor, well you saying you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know, is the exact same example... I'm an Infromation Technology graduate, so I know a little bit about everything. And yet, you decided to bash that? Good job, Champ


I believe I'm done debating with you, it shows how immature we both are for continuing this rant. So, let's just agree to disagree mmKay?


Good luck to your business, and your life, and the same for my gaming community.

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Not picking fights with GSP's. I'm picking a fight with someone who doesn't know the difference between server side FPS, and someone who claims they have more technical knowledge than anyone I know.... that decides to bash my community for nothing, and tells me to get my head out of my ass, when in fact you need to do the same thing.


And your last comment about the Doctor, well you saying you have more technical knowledge than anyone I know, is the exact same example... I'm an Infromation Technology graduate, so I know a little bit about everything. And yet, you decided to bash that? Good job, Champ


I believe I'm done debating with you, it shows how immature we both are for continuing this rant. So, let's just agree to disagree mmKay?


Good luck to your business, and your life, and the same for my gaming community.


and how do you know I dont know anything about fps ? and you seem to know so much about it and I never bashed your community. Dude stop the lying. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE STOP BRINGING UP THE SAME POINT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Game Servers is a totally different beast then having knowledge about game servers. Please tell me what fps has to do with setting up a network ? nothing.


You are just one of thoose kids that wont go away. I am done with this thread so hopefully you are done posting and I can report this too ECF for we can clean up this shit.


ps. reported hopefully ecf checks it.

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Let me break this down for you, Champ


and how do you know I dont know anything about fps[/Quote]

Hmm.. you don't know 250, from 1000. That's my bash to you. If you want proof, it deals with the network. 1000fps is basically a 1ms network, a 250fps is a 4ms network. That's just a sum up. Prove it isn't


and I never bashed your community
You did, read through all these posts and I'm certain you'll find it. If you didn't mean it at me, then I apologize. I'm not digging it back up.



Why should I stop bringing up what you keep revolving around?


Game Servers is a totally different beast then having knowledge about game servers

What? That makes NO sense what so ever..... Hey, I'm running a website, because.. it's a website? right...


Please tell me what fps has to do with setting up a network ? nothing.

Serverside FPS affects the network that the gamers/clients are on.. So yes, it does have something to do with It. it provides less chances of inaccurate information (registry) So yes, it does have something to do with it


You are just one of thoose kids that wont go away. I am done with this thread so hopefully you are done posting and I can report this too ECF for we can clean up this shit.


Hey, I tried to end it, but you kept on going, and I'm the kid that doesn't go away? I asked nicely to agree to disagree, but no. YOU kept on going, I'm hoping ECF does clean this up for us. I feel sorry for all the 3rd perspective viewers reading our crap, and our ego's about what we do and don't do. So it's all good, I had my fun share of this, Derek.


But no hard feelings man - It's your world, we just all live in it.


-- Regards



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what was the topic about already? :)


@Godfather : no GSP know everything about games, theres always something you ignore/misunderstood and you learn everyday new stuffs.

About the CSS fps thingie I wont event comment it cuz my opinion about ppl always seeking for higher fps would hurt. Dealing about a 3 or 4 ms gain, how insane is that?

If there are fools willing to pay a lot for high fps server great for the GSP, but dont expect every1 in here to be a master source FPS.

I assume derek knows how to configure his game servers and run his business properly, if you know some stuffs he dont, gd for you, make a tuto and share it with the interested ppl but dont count me in :)

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I'm not going to lie. Most of the points are valid, and everyone witnesses them each and everyday down that yellow brick road (that street of yours)... However my main arguement still resolves unanswered.


Tracemod: That story was nothing more than assumptions, contradictions, valid life points, and lies that you can see down any street. Most of your points are unrelated to gaming. Heck, I'm not going to lie. I honestly haven't went to the movies for a few months (6months), I just got out of college with a degree and I can't get a job...I still have loans to pay back, no joke your average luxury bill scheme = assumptions. I signed up for the Air Force and I'm waiting to leave. I honestly don't have any food in my place what so ever. I run 4.2 miles to my moms house to grab a sandwich since my vehicle is broke down and I don't have the money to fix it. I live with my girlfriend who lives off of a food card and working at Taco Bell since she got laid off from another job (Personal stuff can keep going on here if you wanted a life story) so yes, some peopole don't enjoy luxuries, but I don't moan, and groan or use that for excuses to buy game servers now do I? Do most people 'online' use that type of arguement? That personal life stuff does not involve Sponsorships.The reason why I'm selling that design is for a little extra money in my pocket that doesn't even relate to anything to do with GSP's.


You come with these arguements that have nothing to do with Sponsorships and then proved numerous times about how most and I mean 95% plus clans ARE in fact worthless to you as businesses outside of personal life matters. My point still remains unanswered, that most GSP's. DO NOT even take the initiative to see what that person wants. There is that 5% out there that CAN help out in which and every way and I'm merely defending there points since I'm in fact one of them. (In my opinion anyways)




1. There are restaurants that do give free food to charities. College we cooked for homeless kids to do some community service

2. That's a location thing, I'd rather run/walk (but I'm a college runner so not a problem) again, it's a personal choice. 50c isn't breaking you I agree. Neither is walking 10min.

3. A lot of people sneak in to the cinemas, and a lot of cinemas allow High school kids in with certain grades (isn't that sponsorship/advertisement?)

So if you REALLY wanted to use that analogy.. hmm

That means you DO give charities aka servers? nope..

Does that mean I can sneak in and grab a server from you? Nope...

Since I'm an IT graduate, you going to give me a server? Nope...


Yeah, you can't use that analogy at all.... lol


It's gameservers, game sponsorships, TCADMIN.... Not Cinemas, Restaraunts, Buses, I'm sure you get the picture. You're trying to compare Apples and Oranges, and you don't even have an Apple.


Their is a big difference in being able to work, and wanting to work. And I'm with Derek, I'm not going to help someone who can help themselves, but alas Studeggle is right. People ought to take the time to research what's going on and take the initive and see if they REALLY did need help


Now Studeggle, I don't know if your post was directly pointed 100% at me, or in TCADMIN as a whole for all the mud flowing, if it is directed at everyone then yes, I 100% agree, everyone should do more research and not make assumptions (even if it is some lame clan... homeless people.... charities.... god....) and take the inititive to see what is actually going on.


If it's directed towards me, it doesn't say anything about me nor my posts.


Kind Regards




Just cause it doesn't relate to GSP..


sponsorship is mostly like begging.


Someone was comparing to Nike, Redbull, Addidas, etc.

I don't remember if that was you or not..


but think about it.. this is the gaming community not real life stuff.

I don't think any game server company makes more than what Nike makes.

And they don't sponsor everyone just professionals and they are very limited for each sport.


Now basically... if sponsorships do really exist.


please let me know if you or I can email microsoft or Apple

and tell them to sponsor my company with a free OS or maybe I can ask Apple to sponsor me some free MAC laptops and some iphones for all my staffs.


I doubt they will even reply to my message.


It doesn't have to relate to game servers ...

life doesn't have to relate to game servers

but what your saying doesn't make really much sense.



you talked about kids sneaking into movie theather.. and that is sponsor / advertiing?


cmon.. where do you live? compton?

i used to work in a movie theather long ago when i was 16 years old.

It was a brand new movie theather in the area as well. Big , New, Nice.


You do know.. that those stupid kids who cna't even afford a $8.50/ movie during maintence fee.. and they sneak in.. they can get arrested .. you know that right? I have seen it happen.. and i have got those kids arrested before when i worked at an AMC.


Is it really worth watching a $8-11 new movie ? than getting arrested and a record in your life?


tell me..


i mean they can sometimes ban you from the movie but the place where i worked.. they had security and also they would call COPS to arrest people who are sneaking in..


think about it..

your paying $8.50-11 to watch a movie for 2 hours..

you are basically paying to come in .. its kinda like renting since your watching a movie.


they have all rights to arrest someone who is "TRESPASSING" without any permissoin (a ticket) ..


so.. if by all means.. if you DO sneak in to movies.. hopefully you don't.

you better not get caught. however, i do see some dumb employees not doing anything.. but they are lazy.

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People who are sponsored by companies such as Addidas, Pepsi, etc are bound by contracts. 90% of the people who apply for sponsorships at a GSP aren't over the legal age to sign a formatted contract therefore aren't legally eligible for sponsorship if that method was introduced at any GSP.


To be honest, the whole arguing in this thread is too repetitive.

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I agree this whole thread is repetitive.


As for Tracemode: Re-read my post about that post that doesn't make sense. I used it as the same analogy as the poster (whoever it was) I think it was you. And also, if you wanted to use that nike,company crap... Hmm - Our small lan events in college were sponsored by Crucial, Razer, and other companies. But yeah, you're right. They only sponsor professionals....


This whole GSP does, Sponsor does is all just nothing more than personal preferences for the businesses.


Comes to the conclusion that most GSP's don't sponsor because of their business. Not that they can't, it's business. They want more money, I got that at like the what? 3rd post?


Yet, I also defend sponsoring at different levels about how GSP's also do not take any inititive and see what exactly they'd like (from the sounds of it atleast) It comes off as rude, you should still pay your respect. Ask for their stats, ask for what they want, and then tell them to bug off that it isn't good enough. Doesn't take much more time, to atleast show you're still human.

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