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Co-Location thoughts


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So I've always thought about building my own server and of course co-locating it to a new location and then starting my own GSP (Need money to make money like the old cliche)...that is at a later date


Now I don't know if this is offensive to anyone or not, maybe I've missed some good prices, maybe you'll agree or maybe agree to disagree. Bare with me, because again, it's been a long while since I've looked at recent colocation oppurtunities


I thought about building a server a while back and I went searching for some co-locations in USA. I could not find USA really worth a colocating .. sorry I just couldn't. I mean yeah, I'd save money doing so vrs just renting a Dedicated server (like I have always done, and am still doing) but that being compared to Europe colocation prices.... To me, it just wasn't worth it.


What do you guys think? Do you think european colocation is more sensible then doing so in America (granted you need to do it anyway for the business)


The last time I checked europe for one of our boxes (I can't remember the company name, but they were cheap and very good I would have payed my server off in 3-4months in savings..... Say I built a server for $700 and it would cost me $350+ to rent that same spec in Europe


That does not include sells/donations/profits


So again, do you think colocating in America isn't as sensible than doing so in Europe?


Kind Regards

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I don't think you're too far off base here.. generally colocation isn't a big money-saver until you get larger; especially when you consider the liabilities for your own hardware and the potential headaches there. I haven't seen much European colocation that looks all that different, but it's a big Internet.

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If I could find the host from before, I'd post it up - I just know it was a lot better in deals then USA. The money saver wasn't so much, but in europe 3 months or so and you payed your box off in that.


I remember looking at the specs, looking what was needed, and then looking for hosts. A 700$ server cost nearly 250-300$... do the math - So if I do a GSP network sometime, I'll probably start it off in europe (unless things change)

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Well it's whatever your target market is, you don't want a server in London when your website sells in dollars and has the market pointed towards US and Canada.


You including Canada, it's funny how many people don't include Canada it's like United States is the only country. :p


I have done the numbers over and over again , and colocation will ALWAYS be cheaper in the long run.

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Just because you're in another country means you're not targeting that country for profits. You're Canadian and target all over correct? Also, I do know that no matter what (as I've stated) co-location is cheaper in the long run... save money upfront = save money later if it keeps at that price point


I'm saying if I was to co-locate - It would be more cost beneficial to me if I was to co-locate that box to UK and be a UK provider. If the box costs me 200$ USD here and I co-locate it and it costs $175... it's BARELY a benefit (That's just an example...) But in UK if it costs me say $80 to have it up and running.... hmmm I'd think twice about starting a co-location in America which was my original point of the thread


I wanted to see other peoples thoughts and opinion as to why America (who has cheap technology) has such a higher Co-Location cost than Europe, even after a price conversion

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What I mean is that people in the USA are far likely to buy from you if you have servers located in, lets say for instance, London.


Customers look for low latency over all aspects of gaming, because most of them now understand the fundamentals of networks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it depends how much your willing to invest and how long your going to try to keep up the company.


if you buy your own hardware and colocate it will be cheaper than

renting dedicated each month.

but it also depends how long ..

if its like 6 months you rather just dedicate it.

but if your talking over like years than yea you should own.


but don't forget other expenses such as

staffs, website, domain registation, hosting, billing system, game cpanel ,etc . <- unless you don't need the billing or cpanel and code them yourself.

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Website - I do myself, Domain/hosting = cheap (especially if I own the box/business lol) game panel... I'll probably be running Linux and I don't think TCADMIN works with linux (maybe I'm wrong) a billing panel wouldn't be hard to do.


That's besides the point. What you just added for the price would also be added for renting a box and co-locating it as well. Even if I was only in business for 6months. In 2-3months time I would have the box payed off in savings. 6months later and I would have saved 2-3 boxes that I built.


But yes I do agree. If I was to be in business for a month. It might be better to just rent then pay the seed money to colocate haha.

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GodFather you are right the long term investment of building and coloing your own server will save versus renting. Short term you are better off renting.


Colo your own server and save big bucks. The thing you need to do is consider the small Colo companies, or try to find another GSP that you can share expenses with.

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