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[Requests] - [Suggestions]


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1. With the new BF2 1.50 Patch, EA/Dice require additional security procedures. We have to block File Manager access completely since there is no option to specify files in Default Configs as admin only. There is a required default config that users can't access, however if we give them FM access, it automatically allows them access to all listed Default Config files. We would like an option to mark specific files in Default Config's as admin only so we can grant FM access to the PB folders.


2. The ability to find main tcadmin users when searching by a sub-user




1. Ability to have a "Reinstall All" option for individual games.


2. Another person suggested this, but also an option to have a "Restart All" option to restart specific game servers/services.


3. With Windows 2008 some games need to be set to run as administrator or as an administrator account in Services. This doesn't always happen, but more often then not, we have to set BF2142 to run as a Local Admin. We would like the ability to implement this feature within TCAdmin Supported Games, and have it be a section only Admins can view/edit.


4. A admin view/edit only "Notes\Info" section for each user account.


5. An option in TCAdmin for admin use only to setup an .exe installation on boxes that would install applications for us. Sometimes when we setup a new box for TCAdmin, we also need to run additional applications like DirectX, Nvidia PhysX, etc. If we could have these setup in TCAdmin and be able to install them from there, it would make new box setup a little easier.


6. An option or ability for Admin use only where we can specify installation of files to specific directories, other then the root game directory, if required. For example, if a specific .dll is needed for a game, if we setup the directory structure in the game zip/rar to install to say C:\program files, TCAdmin will unzip the file, but place it as gameroot\C:\program files.

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I'd say watch for V2 from the tidbits I have seen dropped about the features in it many of your issues will likely be addressed by it. You have to realise that the progression of games and OS have resulted in some unique challenges most probably not even thought of back when V1 was written. That has left trying to automate fixes for them a much larger challenge. From what I have seen over the last several years they are eager to implement fixes and new features they can, but something that requires rewrites of the entire design one must be patient for hence the whole V2 that is being made.


On number 5 and 6 I would seriously look at your bussiness plan. There is some very serious tweaking you should be doing to windows when you setup a new box, you should not be trying to just run an out of the box install or you are seriously hindering yourself. We keep a zip, and CD of all base programs installed when we first setup a box. It is far faster to just install all these while setting the machine up then leave them undone and move off to a control panel to do it. Especially since the control panel hinders you ability to truly see what is happening. (And if your thinking I missed 6 nope it is part of this. Our zip/cd contains a few different zip file inside and we simply extract the proper ones to put key files in proper places depending on what games the box will be running.)

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Yeah we do the same thing now with the box setup installs... We do most of the tweaking, I was just looking at simplicity for basic application installs... or something to save time with application installs... LOL


Most of the suggestions there are for the new version... a few like the comments section under users would be nice to have... just things I have noticed/liked to see after a recent overhaul of our processes.


I think I might have found a way using restricted file names to get around request #1 Although having the option to restrict file names by game might be good... since some games use the same name, and only some need to be restricted.

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