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Setting up patches?


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OK. So I have no problem setting up a COD4 server and getting it running. We have been doing this for a while.

My question is how the TCAdmin ties all this in.



When I do a fresh install so I make those files have the latest patch installed with them?

Also if I have COD4 1.7 as the fresh install how can I set it up where we can patch it to 1.6 through the TCAdmin panel? Do I setup a folder under TCA.Patches that contains all the 1.6 files to run a 1.6 server and write over everything but the PB stuff and config?


I guess I am still confused on how the patches will work, where to put them and what all files they contain.


Just getting started with TCAdmin and needing a little help.


Thanks a lot,



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Can some one atleast lead me in the right direction. I have look through the forums to get where I am at so far.


I think once I understand how the patch part works on one I will be able to understand how it works on most of them. I know how it works for the steam games but I am still confused about games like COD and BF series games.


Thanks for any help you guys can give me.

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