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There are no available servers for auto setup in datacenter Default


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Hello I have a problem with WHMCS and TCADMIN I made all the correct settings and when I want to order a server in WHMCS ami gives error that "GSAutomation.Processes.CreateGameServer: There are no available servers for auto setup in datacenter Default

Server: [Auto]


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I did everything but still not working!

But all the same error: "GSAutomation.Processes.CreateGameServer: There are no available servers for auto setup in datacenter Default

Server: [Auto]



What else should I set now?

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I did so in datasenter but even now not automatically install game server in TCADMIN panel is automatically created only user.

Game serveru we show in Peding Auto Setups end staus eror

and AMI give this error -


Error: There are no locations configured with the files for this game. Please contact your game server provider with this error message.




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Easiest way to fix this would bew for you to post your last api command file call lastapi I believe is stored on the web server. Basically there is a problem with your command being sent and a review of the command sent will likely show it. Otherwise we are going to just have to go down the line one by one telling you to check what you have probably allready checked but think is good.

That age old problem of reading what you think you put instead of what you actually put. ;)

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I did so in datasenter but even now not automatically install game server in TCADMIN panel is automatically created only user.

Game serveru we show in Peding Auto Setups end staus eror

and AMI give this error -


Error: There are no locations configured with the files for this game. Please contact your game server provider with this error message.




You really need to explore the software, you shouldn't try being a GSP yet if you don't understand how to operate the software your running properly.

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