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[Reviews] Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


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well without dedi servers I guess this game will get even more cracked than any previous cod release, Ive read that the MP should be soon (if not already) fully cracked (works only for certain ppl atm). edit : but not more played cuz I guess PC gamers will give up the MP part after a few hours.

This would prove them how wrong they were thinking steam would help against piracy and that PC gamers are not as dumb as they supposed.

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from a gamers view: i must admit the graphics on this game are brilliant, and the multiplayers brilliant when the host is on a good internet else its laggy, and the lobby system doesnt always work properly and is a pain in the neck


from a GSP view: Pile a crap



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It is a great game so far that I played except if you are playing with bad host =/

but the matchmaking was quick and easy and its something new.


the graphics on the game has tweaked and improved.


so far, I still think dedicated servers would make the game better.

but still i haven't experienced any cheaters yet.. and hopefully not .

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It is a great game so far that I played except if you are playing with bad host =/

but the matchmaking was quick and easy and its something new.


the graphics on the game has tweaked and improved.


so far, I still think dedicated servers would make the game better.

but still i haven't experienced any cheaters yet.. and hopefully not .


you never know about cheaters unless they are too much obvious.


I wont buy the game unless they made dedicated cuz buying it means u agree with what IW did.

Too many ppl didnt stick to their words already :



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of course the boycott isn't going to work.


boycott works in theory

in reality ppl are retarded sheeps

and about Cod mw2 I guess the fact many ppl didnt know about the no dedicated stuff helped cuz I had a lot of custmers asking me if i was about to host it.


Quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_warfare_2 :


Criticism has arisen of changes made to the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 including the lack of dedicated servers, latency issues of the listen server-only IWNET, lack of console commands, lack of support for matches larger than 18 players, and inability to vote towards kicking or banning cheating players immediately.[91] When asked about the removal of console menu commands, Infinity Ward responded with, "We would like you to play the game the way we designed and balanced it." Taking a different view, Ars Technica writer Ben Kuchera wrote, "At launch, this will be one of the most locked-down, inflexible, and gamer-unfriendly [games] ever created."[91]


Defending their decision towards the lack of dedicated servers, Infinity Ward maintains that IWNET will "put you in the game that will give you the smoothest gameplay possible without you having to manually find a server with the best ping." In addition, it is stated that the utilization of Valve's anti-cheat system will eliminate the need to worry about "joining a server full of aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters. Or relying on the server admin of the server to constantly be monitoring, banning, and policing it."[92] However, cheat programs for the game were being sold the day following the game's release.[93]


Because of such decisions made by Infinity Ward, an online petition was launched immediately after the announcement of such changes to the game's multiplayer aspect, urging Infinity Ward to reconsider its stance with over 200,000 signatures.[94] When asked for a comment on the petition, Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling stated that it “definitely made a big wave, and the response will not be ignored. I’ll ensure everyone at IW sees the petitions and responds to it.”[95] No further response has been made.

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