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CS:S Ticket / FPS problem


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cant get the server to run 500 FPS, can any one help me ??


Server hardware:

i7 920 2.66


Barracuda ES2 500GB

Club3D HD4350

100/100 Mbit/s Fiber line


Software: Vista 64Bits with srcdsfpsboost running



boot cmd:

srcds.exe -game cstrike -console +ip serverip -port 28020 +maxplayers 20 -tickrate 100 +max_fps 600 +exec server.cfg +map de_aztec




// server cvars

mp_friendlyfire 1

mp_footsteps 1

mp_autoteambalance 1

mp_autokick 1

mp_flashlight 1

mp_tkpunish 1

mp_forcecamera 0

sv_alltalk 0

sv_pausable 0

sv_cheats 0

sv_consistency 1

sv_allowupload 1

sv_allowdownload 1

sv_maxspeed 320

mp_limitteams 2

mp_hostagepenalty 5

sv_voiceenable 1

mp_allowspectators 1

mp_timelimit 25

mp_chattime 10

sv_timeout 65


// round specific cvars

mp_freezetime 6

mp_roundtime 5

mp_startmoney 800

mp_c4timer 45

mp_fraglimit 0

mp_maxrounds 0

mp_winlimit 0

mp_playerid 0

mp_spawnprotectiontime 5


// bandwidth rates/settings

sv_minrate 100

sv_maxrate 101

decalfrequency 60

sv_maxupdaterate 101

sv_minupdaterate 100

sv_maxrate 30000

sv_minrate 25000



// server logging

log off

sv_logbans 0

sv_logecho 1

sv_logfile 1

sv_log_onefile 0


// operation

sv_lan 0

sv_region 3



// execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg

exec banned_ip.cfg




// server comans

sv_accelerate 5

sv_airaccelerate 10

sv_gravity 800

sv_stepsize 18

sv_stopspeed 100

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fps booster in background and +fps_max 0 in cmd line.


No offence but I dont recommend you to host CSS if you dont know such a basic thing and cant spell the command line arguments, you will only get into troubles you wont be able to get out alone which will give you a very poor image and most likely make your customers unhappy and complaining.


If your not a GSP ignore my comment which is again not personal

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i try net_graph 3 and it shows around 200 - 250 fps ? and i have change to +fps_max 0


Getting the FPS of 500 You must set the command to +fps_max 500

[Replace the 500 with any # and you will get that FPS]

Although, You may not host over 500 FPS without modifying things to an extent.

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