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ut2003 cmd builder


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has any one gotten the cmd builder to work on ut2003 or ut2004 so people can set there own cmd line instead of us techs always haven to set them!!! i no aowc when i used to rent from them had cmd line builder. but i can not remember for the life of me what it was.. it has 3 different places u could set stuff in.. pls help!! if any one has gotten theres to work or has made there own so people can set there own cmd lines pls help!!

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yes i no that. and i set one in there


command +set fs_game

user acsess

user can set value


but when i go in to add a cmd line it wont let me add anything in it at all.. not a mutator nutting.. thats all i need to get to work to be able to have people add there own cmd line with mutators in it. thanks u

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