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Cash Advance

Guest NGS-Brett

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Guest NGS-Brett



Ive come to this conclusion.


I have no idea what the heck im doing and i dont want to mess anything else up. I have installed all of the games i feel ill need for now. As far as that is said, i do not know how to install the settings for each server and make sure it has all the maps and correct settings so i am offering someone a good cash advance if they take the time to go into my server and make sure everything is working properly and updates all the files to have everything it needs. :smile:

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your posting on the wrong section.

should post it on the support.


anyways, did you read the manual? everything is pretty much thing and self-explantory.


to get maps and such, which way are you trying to do it as? automated install thorugh a click (mods / map packs) or all automated when you create the server? (pre-installed)

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Ive come to this conclusion.


I have no idea what the heck im doing and i dont want to mess anything else up. I have installed all of the games i feel ill need for now. As far as that is said, i do not know how to install the settings for each server and make sure it has all the maps and correct settings so i am offering someone a good cash advance if they take the time to go into my server and make sure everything is working properly and updates all the files to have everything it needs. :smile:


You are trying to be a gsp but you have no clue how to install anything ?

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Agree with Derek, Kudos for you trying to start, but you wouldnt be allowed to fly a plane without knowing how first....


Dude this are things you should know and if you dont know, you learn them and dont make it public you dont know, 1. its bad rep for your company and 2. the members of tcadmin forum wont give you sympathy as you appear (not saying you are, just appear) to be another fly by gsp thats taking customers from us who are investing 18 hours a day and a hell of alot of £££, when some people can simply buy a VPS, a tcadmin license and assume its going to run itself.

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unblocked you finally


Credit my paypal with $100 and I will give you a priceless advice :

Read the full TCA KB

Browse the forums and read as many posts as you can

For each game you plan to host run hours of tests and try to create at least 1 game config from scratch to make sure you understand how this work

For each game hosted read gamers forums, server sections and keep up to date.


Oeps gave you the tips already, lost my $

Edited by dimitrifrom31
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