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another question about specs, bandwidth and css


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Hi, I am currently looking at two different offers from 2 different co-location centers.:)


My server specs

Intel-Quad 9400 2.66Ghz


2x 120GB hardrives in raid


166 Euros

4000 GB DataTransfer 100mbit




95 Euros

unmetered 20 Mbit| burstable to 100 Mbit 95th percentile



How many slots on average(Not asking a exact number, because its impossible to calculate)


and which of these would be the best offering for co-locating?

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How many slots on average(Not asking a exact number, because its impossible to calculate)


between 1 and 9999 as it will depend on what you host : game, voice, what kind of games , what mods , etc.


No1 will ever be able to give you an accurate answer without lying. Only your own tests will be trustee.


As for your needs 20Mb/s upload should be enough but again it will depend whats running on your machine.

With different standard game servers and some fast dl I barely reach 2 or 3 Tb of data transfer per month personaly.


Btw where are you colocating cuz those prices are insanely high.


For 166€ per month you could rent a +/- similar server with a 100Mb unmetered connection here in France. and as you talk in € I guess your not that far :)

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Nah, I am from Norway, but I convert for the ease, we are extremly over priced when it comes to most stuff : p


Well only counter strike source actually, dont know much about the mods and such, but thats basicly all that is going to run on the server : p


I would say about 200 slots in full max but again it depends on many things.


edit : and i never had a Q9400 so im just guessing

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