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Getting Errors now... Hope someone can help.


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I've had everything working fine until recently, I think it was after the latest update to TCADMIN. Errors Started 11/20/09.

Anyway, here is my error in WHMCS:

System.Exception: You did not send a game or voice server id or the data was not valid. at Web.billingapi.xde97676d01739ced(Object xe0292b9ed559da7d, EventArgs xfbf34718e704c6bc)


and this is from my tcadmin logs:

12/30/2009 9:43:06 AM : You did not send a game or voice server id or the data was not valid.


Now I understand the error... I do have and double checked that I have the correct game ID and Datacenter ID entered. The only other thing is the data not being valid.. I'm not sure... maybe I'm missing a field now. But like I said, these were all working fine in the past, and I've been trying to figure it out on my own for the past couple weeks.


I'm using the latest WHMCS, TCADMIN, and the tcadmin_advanced module.


I know TCADMIN does not support this directly, so I am hoping that a member could shed some light.


Thank you!

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Thanks studeggle... I got it working.


Now I'll explained what happened, because I hate it when others post problems and then never post a resolution when they get their problem solved.


The error was happening on my Left4Dead setup only because I only sell 8 slots servers. So, for the player slots, I entered in "Custom Fields", a field called "player slots" and set the value at 8. Then, in the "module settings" tab, I would select the player slot field for Game Slots.


Normally, I would use "Configurable Options" to set the player slot and pricing.


Well, turns out that, (thanks studeggle!), that "game_slots=" line in the lastapi txt file was blank. That was the problem!


It didn't look for player slot from the custom fields, so I added slots in Configurable options and used that for game slots and it works just fine!!!

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