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What includes tcadmin

Guest Unregistered

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Guest Unregistered

Do we need to make a homepage where our costumers can orders and pay, or is this included in this software ?

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You have to make your own webpage and ordering system.

WHMCS and Clientexec are probably best option because they work excellent with TCA (autocreate servers, suspend, send invoices etc.)


Also, you will have to get game server files as they are not included, some files can be downloaded and for some you will have to own game, install it on your local computer and upload on server.

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Guest Unregistered

We ATM using livezilla and we are plesed with it.


but isent there a billing system in WHMCS ?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi , i think We used the Web Edition on one of our servers without any issues. It's not limited like the old Web Edition was. The only reason we switched back to 2003 is because of the interact with desktop being a pain the the ass. It works but it's a pain when trying to fix a problem and having to click 4 times back and forth to see the damn window.What are the your opinions about this ?, thanks

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Hi , i think We used the Web Edition on one of our servers without any issues. It's not limited like the old Web Edition was. The only reason we switched back to 2003 is because of the interact with desktop being a pain the the ass. It works but it's a pain when trying to fix a problem and having to click 4 times back and forth to see the damn window.What are the your opinions about this ?, thanks


I don't really think this pertains to this thread.


But you are correct, the new web edition isn't like the old web edition, and should work just fine. Depends on your preference, and how much 'control' you want over the machine.

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